5 10, 2017


The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is once again the most contentious issue in terms of Canadian trade and that certainly includes the full range of agricultural commodities.

The long-standing trade deal is back at the negotiators’ table thanks to the protectionist American president Donald Trump. Trump clearly has it in his mind that

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  • 01.13.16. BPS - Venue
5 10, 2017

Banff Pork Seminar Extends Contract

Delegates to the annual Banff Pork Seminar are assured that it will stay with the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel at least until 2021.

Seminar co-ordinator Ashley Steeple, based at the University of Alberta, confirmed late in September that the contract has been extended for three more years, including the same deal offering delegates an extended

5 10, 2017

On The Edge With Siemens Says

Thanks to retiring Gerry Ritz Former Canadian Ag minister Gerry Ritz noted for his courageous work in giving farmers in Western Canada marketing freedom retired as a Member of the Canadian Parliament in Ottawa.

In my last official interview with my friend as an MP, “Gerry, I just thoroughly congratulate you on the work you’ve

  • BK - sows sleeping
  • RP - selfie
  • RP - Farm shot
5 10, 2017

The New and the Old in Raising Hogs in Manitoba

The first new hog barn in the last seven years held an Open House on March 4, 2016, at the Suncrest Colony just off the intersection of highways 59 and 52 near Steinbach, MB.

Colony Hog Boss Bob Kleinsasser described it as an 800 sow farrow to 80 pounds using open group housing with 125

5 10, 2017

Emergency Trailer Delivers the Goods

Alberta’s livestock emergency response system proved its worth during response to a cattle trailer rollover in September, just months after hundreds of pigs died because of a breakdown in the same system.

Late in the morning on Sept. 13, a trailer hauling cattle rolled near Kitscoty, roughly 25 minutes west of Lloydminster.

Emergency crews seeking help

  • SB - Jen Brown
5 10, 2017

Effective Strategies for Reducing Aggression Among Group Housed Sows

Dr. Jennifer Brown, a Research Scientist Ethology with the Prairie Swine Centre said research shows that a range of strategies is useful for reducing aggression among group-housed sows.

In response to Canadian Pig Code of Practice changes which require gestating sows in group housing, researchers working on behalf of Swine Innovation Porc are exploring the

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  • SB - Doug Richards spkg
5 10, 2017

Advance Planning and Training Key to Grouping Sows

National Sow Housing Conversion Project Coordinator Doug Richards, with the Prairie Swine Centre, said the importance of advanced planning is the key lesson learned from producers who have made the conversion from stall housing to group housing of gestating sows.

In response to requirements for the Canadian pork industry to move to group housing of

  • JC - SB, passage removed
  • JC - SB passageway purpose
  • JC - SB, feeder in passage
  • JC - SB, slats to the edge
5 10, 2017

New or Renovate Hog Barns

When posed with the question to build new or to renovate a hog barn under the new Codes Ethics, international livestock consultant and veterinarian Dr. John Carr said this is a fascinating question, and all answers are correct.

What to do? The farm is planning on a herd expansion or enhancement. Do I use existing

  • SB - crowd-pigs
  • SB - John Van E. speeach
5 10, 2017

One Producer’s Experience in Switching to Sow Group Housing

An Ontario Pork producer is demonstrating the value of new technology that allows constant monitoring of production.

Innovation and Technology In the Barn were among the topics discussed in Winnipeg, MB as part of a group sow housing seminar hosted by the Prairie Swine Centre, Swine Innovation Porc, and CDPQ. John Van Engelen, with Hog-Tied

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5 10, 2017

Managing Stress Dealing with PED Virus Industry-wide

On September 22 Manitoba Pork updated the PED virus situation in Manitoba reporting three new cases since September 8, bringing the total to 76 in this outbreak. Infected premises (IPs) #74, #75 and #76 are finisher sites, which appears to be a recurrence of shedding from animals that producers moved to these locations.

“On a