30 11, 2017


CVO Honured

The Canadian Pork Council was pleased to learn that Dr. Betty Althouse, Chief Veterinary Officer with the Ministry of Agriculture was one of the six recipients of the Premier’s Award for Excellence in the Public Service announced by the government of Saskatchewan recently.

“Dr. Althouse has always been a strong advocate for animal health

30 11, 2017

Pork Chops

Brandon Hog & Livestock Show

Brandon Hog & Livestock Show, formally known as Hog Days, will be held in December.

The one day show will be at the Keystone Center in Brandon, MB on Thursday December 14th, 2017 from 10 am – 4:30pm.

For details and exhibitor information contact Sunil Kawthekar Ph. 204.726.6482 or Email: Sunil.Kawthekar@gov.mb.ca or

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30 11, 2017

Wild Swamp Pigs

As most dedicated readers of Prairie Hog County know I will search for pigs anywhere. Well on a recent trip to New Orleans more specifically a swamp tour, I found some.

At the end of a narrow channel barely wide enough for our boat to navigate through there they were, three wild pigs. Scrambling in and

30 11, 2017

Alberta Pork AGM

Maintaining a healthy pork industry in Alberta boils down to finding better ways for fewer and fewer farmers to fill the needs of more and more people, says the executive director of Alberta Pork.

Much of the discussion at the corporation’s Annual General Meeting on Nov. 30 was centred on issues facing the province’s producers:

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30 11, 2017

ALE Attracts a Crowd

The first ever Alberta Livestock Expo attracted over 500 attendees. With all booths sold out and solid attendance at the one day event back in October organizers of the show are already looking ahead to 2018.

Chris Tokaruk,one of the guys who came up with the idea to have a multi species show in Lethbridge,

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30 11, 2017

While David Black Award Honours it’s Top Producer, UK Farmers Can’t Afford to Stand Still.

Every Country likes to honour its key industry personnel and the UK is no exception. The David Black Award was established by a farmer of the same name who farmed pigs and arable in south east England and whose farming enterprise is now run by his son. The award was first awarded in 1960

30 11, 2017

Price Risk Insurance For Cattle and Hog Producers

The Western Livestock Price Insurance Program (WLPIP) is a risk management tool available in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. The program provides producers with protection against an unexpected drop in prices on cattle and hogs over a defined period.

Jason Dobbin is the Manitoba provincial coordinator for Western Livestock Price Insurance, a program that

30 11, 2017

Siemens Says

Do carbon and manure go hand in hand?

Two events happened recently; Manitoba’s carbon tax proposal and the hearings at the Manitoba Legislature on cleaning up regulations.

When I look at both of these events, the outcomes and results they almost appear to be an oxymoron. More on that later.

A tax is a tax is a

30 11, 2017

NAFTA Hangs in the Balance

There is much consternation about what will or will not happen to the continuing negotiations of NAFTA. In some cases, the Americans and Canadians are on the same sides, maybe even the Mexicans as it pertains to hogs and pork.

The American Farm Bureau Federation is calling on the Trump Administration to move forward with

30 11, 2017

Sow Feeding

How the sow is fed leading up to farrowing can have an impact of milk production.

And it follows that the amount of colostrum in the milk which has a great influence on piglet health and that helps start good growth through lactation.

Recent research by Dr. Chantal Farmer, of Agriculture and Agri-food Canada’s (AAFC) Sherbrooke