30 11, 2017

Price Risk Insurance For Cattle and Hog Producers

The Western Livestock Price Insurance Program (WLPIP) is a risk management tool available in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. The program provides producers with protection against an unexpected drop in prices on cattle and hogs over a defined period.

Jason Dobbin is the Manitoba provincial coordinator for Western Livestock Price Insurance, a program that

30 11, 2017

Siemens Says

Do carbon and manure go hand in hand?

Two events happened recently; Manitoba’s carbon tax proposal and the hearings at the Manitoba Legislature on cleaning up regulations.

When I look at both of these events, the outcomes and results they almost appear to be an oxymoron. More on that later.

A tax is a tax is a

30 11, 2017

NAFTA Hangs in the Balance

There is much consternation about what will or will not happen to the continuing negotiations of NAFTA. In some cases, the Americans and Canadians are on the same sides, maybe even the Mexicans as it pertains to hogs and pork.

The American Farm Bureau Federation is calling on the Trump Administration to move forward with

30 11, 2017

Sow Feeding

How the sow is fed leading up to farrowing can have an impact of milk production.

And it follows that the amount of colostrum in the milk which has a great influence on piglet health and that helps start good growth through lactation.

Recent research by Dr. Chantal Farmer, of Agriculture and Agri-food Canada’s (AAFC) Sherbrooke

  • Close inspection of one of the biochar biocover replicates!
  • Evaluating one of the biochar covers after 12 weeks on the manure surfac...
  • Sampling 2
  • Typical manure storage 1
30 11, 2017

Manure Happens – Can Biochars Help ? 

Dealing with the smell of animal waste is a challenge livestock producer’s face. That is particularly true for hog production units.

Biochars may help overcome the issue.

“Biochars have unique chemical and physical properties including a highly porous internal structure,” explained Brian Dougherty, Graduate Research Assistant, Ag and Biosystems Engineering. “A few ounces of biochar can

30 11, 2017

Hog Prices Keep Changing

Hog prices keep going up and down almost like a yo-yo or more specifically like a roller coaster gone mad.

Therefore when the live hog prices slipped over the past couple of weeks, the industry is looking at an attractive dynamic right now.

Tyler Fulton, the Director of Risk Management with Hams Marketing Services said the

  • Julia Keenliside
  • Colette Schick
  • Tom Kennelly
  • Mingling
30 11, 2017

Red Deer Swine Technology Workshop

A major element in the success of every farm lies in searching out the devils that lurk in the details. Helping hog producers and their staff nail those devils down has been the goal of the Red Deer Swine Technology Workshop, which hosted a strong crowd for its 19th annual seminar in mid-October.

Industry speakers

  • MPC - Egan Brockhoff
  • MPC - Andrew podium
30 11, 2017

Manitoba Pork Industry Set to Move Forward

Manitoba pork producers and industry partners attended the two fall producer meetings, one in Niverville and the other in Portage la Prairie. Dr. Egan Brockhoff, DVM, Veterinary Counselor for the Canadian Pork Council keynoted on High-Path PRRS—the next nightmare for hog farmers.

Andrew Dickson, the General Manager of Manitoba Pork, said Manitoba’s pork industry is

30 11, 2017

Pork Industry Celebrates 40 years in Saskatchewan

Rick Bergmann of Steinbach, MB is the chair of the Canadian Pork Council in Saskatoon recently to help the Saskatchewan Pork Industry Symposium celebrate its 40th anniversary.

“It’s great to be here in Saskatchewan, and although it’s an event that’s in Saskatchewan, it’s meaningful for our whole country and pork producers across our country,” said

  • Long Service Awards Group Photo - 2017
30 11, 2017

Long Service Awards

To commemorate the 40th anniversary of Saskatchewan Pork Industry Symposium, Long Service Awards were presented to all Saskatchewan hog producers who have been in continuous production for 40, 50 and 60 years. The awards were presented at the annual banquet by Chairman Florian Possberg and Mark Ferguson, Sask Pork. 2017


Saskatchewan Pork Industry Long Service
