7 06, 2018

Pork Chops

Alberta Pork Congress

The 44th annual Alberta Pork Congress will be held in Westerner Park in Red Deer June 13th & 14th.

Trade Show hours: Wednesday June 13th 9 am – 4:30 pm, Thursday June 14th 9am – 4pm.

Wednesday June 13th – Awards Banquet Reception at 5:30pm, Awards Banquet Dinner & Awards 6:30 pm. This year new

7 06, 2018

MPC Hands Out Awards

At the recent Annual General Meeting of Manitoba Pork some special awards were handed out during their banquet.

First was the acknowledgment presentation of one tonne of pork sausage to Samaritan House Ministries in Brandon.

Thea Dennis, Executive Director of Samaritan House, expressed her gratitude to Manitoba hog farmers for the donation, and noted that over

  • coombe abbey - simple but its home !!!
  • stu Paul Penny
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7 06, 2018

UK Pig Fair, Things are Looking Up

The UK Pig Fair is now a biennial event run in conjunction with the poultry industry. Many companies hold seminars before the Pig Fair as clients can kill two birds with one stone, as the saying goes. Ceva Animal Health Ltd is a French company which supplies veterinary products to both the UK pig

7 06, 2018

European Red Tape

Over the years there have been many stories of European farmers pulling up roots and moving to Canada. There have generally been two motivating factors in the decision to make what is a huge change.

The first has been simple economics. There are often limited opportunities for expansion of farms in Europe in terms of

7 06, 2018

NAFTA, A Benefit to 3 Countries 

There is a reason people are reluctant to open a can of worms, and that is simply once it is open the wiggly critters tend to escape and can be very hard to get back in the can.

It perhaps is an old adage United States president Donald Trump should perhaps have thought of before

7 06, 2018

On The Edge With Siemens Says

Sometimes we need to say it…

Today as I reflect on sitting by the bedside of my dear wife Judith, who passed into eternity at 12:32 pm May 18, 2018, at the Boundary Trails Health Centre near Winkler, MB a shoutout to all those who work at the Boundary Trails Health Centre and did their

  • Schippers group
  • getting the details
  • Hanneke
  • jan and dion
7 06, 2018

European Livestock Producers Get the Full Meal Deal

It could have been the hog barn. It might have been the wide-open spaces. Or maybe it was the sight of a 79-year-old man running down a mountain trail after a five-kilometre hike that left a contingent of European livestock producers with some stunning and often overwhelming impressions of how their counterparts live and

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7 06, 2018

Hawaii Farm Tour Time

Down a long narrow driveway, about 30 miles south of Keauhou in South Kona on the Big Island of Hawaii, we came to Kona Hawk Farm. My folks, who reside on the Big Island for the winter months, met Doug Pittman at the local market. When purchasing some of his items and through conversation

7 06, 2018

Despite HyLife Shutting Down RWA Program, Clearwater Colony Stays With it

Back in February 2017, Garry Wollmann shared his story with fellow producers and industry representatives at the Manitoba Swine Seminar in Winnipeg, MB.

Wollmann is the barn manager at Clearwater Hutterite Colony near Balmoral, Manitoba where they operate a 700 sow farrow to finish producing up to 17,000 pigs which went under a special contract

7 06, 2018

Manitoba Has its First PED Virus Case in 2018

Just after The Canada-West Swine Health Intelligence Network reported on Erysipelas, Rotavirus, Greasy Pig, and Influenza as the main diseases identified by swine veterinarians during the first quarter of 2018, Manitoba confirmed a new case of PEDv on May 15, 2018, in a finisher barn in Southeastern Manitoba. Biocontainment on this site is in