• AFS-James Hofer 08
  • Jim Long
  • ASF-Jojn Carr
  • Jerry Chinese pig
4 10, 2018

Looking Ahead with Clouds of Uncertainty

Discussion and concern continue amongst all farmers regarding NAFTA negotiations or the lack thereof, ensuing tariffs, and how it affects current commodity prices and demand or the lack thereof.

Grain and special crop farmers are harvesting a decent crop varying from below average to average depending on what the industry considers to be average after

4 10, 2018

Tracking a Key Meausre in Fight Against ASF

Whispers of a new threat to the health status of Canada’s swine herd have given way to warning bells in the past few weeks.

Late in September, Alberta Pork and the Canada West Swine Health Intelligence Network set up a telephone town hall meeting with producers and other stakeholders to describe the looming threat of

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4 10, 2018

How Does One Stop African Swine Fever and How Do You Clean Up?

Dr. John Carr, international livestock consultant when posed with the question of how you stop African Swine Fever said a fascinating question.

“How do I stop it? I don’t know. I don’t have a vaccine. I don’t have the clinical science of death. I don’t have much warning,” said Dr. Carr. “Stop it. Well, we

4 10, 2018

From the publishers desk,

As I am typing this the sun is shining and the snow is melting at a rapid pace. Even with our second early snow fall, which has caused havoc for the harvest, I feel very fortunate. Especially with Thanksgiving right around the corner, we have to be so thankful for our blessed lives. We

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9 08, 2018

Maple Bacon Cupcakes

For my recent milstone birthday my sister in law made me these awesome cupcakes. She used the recipe found on the site, Will Cook For Smiles. They tasted as good as they looked !

She also made me Pig Lanterns which now hang over my desk




4 egg whites room temperature

1 cup of white granulated sugar


  • judges
  • grandchampions
  • porkapolza 2
  • porkapolza 1
9 08, 2018


Hypor BBQ Battle 2018

It was a beautiful day for a BBQ, about 23C with the occasional gust of wind; it felt hotter though.

About 150 people from across Alberta and Montana chowed down on 300 racks of ribs from Maple Leaf Pork. Nine animal nutrition companies competed for the TTT Stock Co.-Hypor BBQ Battle trophy

9 08, 2018

Pork Chops

Alberta Livestock Expo

The date the 2nd annual Alberta Livestock Expo will take place in Lethbridge at Exhibition Park October 10th & 11th.

This year the trade show has expanded to two days. In addition on Wednesday October 10th there will be a Beef Rib BBQ Competition. Then on Thursday October 11th a Hog Carcass Competition.

Booths are

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9 08, 2018

Farm Focus Initiative A Step In the Right Direction

To stay commercially viable producers obviously have to be more efficient and this has great implications in the UK as the future re Brexit is still decidedly unclear. UK indoor output lags behind the rest of Europe which is very worrying. Significantly all our European competitors have research farms – the Danes also use

9 08, 2018

European Court Chills Gene Editing Technology

Europe’s top court has ruled that new crop varieties developed by gene editing fall under the same regulatory regime as genetically-modified organisms (GMOs).
Gene editing involves only the genes already resident in a species; GMO technology involves transferring a gene or genes from one species to another.

 “Organisms obtained by mutagenesis are GMOs and are, in

9 08, 2018

Despite Trade Tensions – Demand for Food will Continue

Trade issues and resulting tensions combined with people in Canada and the United States alike who’d like to see trade issues dominate the media airwaves for whatever reasons continue to demand outcomes on profitability for farmers.

There are countries and segments of each industry that like to float non-monetary trade barriers and irritants, to I