• MPC - Andrew and Mike
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5 12, 2018

Hog Expansion is Back on Track in Manitoba

Back on November 9, 2017, at Manitoba Pork fall producer meetings chairman George Matheson laid out for producers how MP’s new Swine Development Corporation will help farmers navigate the waters of building new barns.

At this year’s district meeting in Niverville, MB general manager Andrew Dickson laid out how far the hog industry is with

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5 12, 2018

2018 Saskatchewan Pork Industry Awards of Distinction

Sask Pork was pleased to present the Lifetime Achievement awards this year to two Saskatchewan individuals well-known in the pork industry. Nearly 300 people were on hand November 14th at the annual Pork Industry Symposium banquet.

The first award of the evening, was given to Dr. Mark Jacobson of Warman Veterinary Services in Saskatoon. Jay

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5 12, 2018

Why Proper Handling of Veterinary Drugs is a Good Investment

Dr. Judy Hodge loves looking in people’s fridges.

Dr. Hodge doesn’t always like what she sees, she told delegates at the Saskatchewan Pork Industry Symposium in Saskatoon.

Among other things in her presentation, Dr. Hodge said it is important to protect your investment, whether it be the storage of medications or the cleaning of syringes.

“I have

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5 12, 2018

Canadian Pork Excellence

The next year is going to be busy one for the Canadian Pork Council.

Among the things on its plate is a made-in-Canada hog price, a review of the Code of Practice, getting Pig Safe/Pig Care launched, pushing for a decision on a promotion and research agency and picking up the pace on advocacy. And

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5 12, 2018

Bridging the Gap Between Rural/Urban Populations

Trent Loos has the uncanny ability to share his passion for animal agriculture with a good mix of humour.

Loos, a Nebraska rancher, was one of the featured speakers at the Saskatchewan Pork Industry Symposium in Saskatoon.

He is much more than a rancher though. He has a radio show called Loos Tales, is a blogger,

5 12, 2018

From the publishers desk,

I am penning this on US Thanksgiving, so to all those we deal with south of 49th parallel here is hoping you a wonderful holiday and enjoyed the day with family and friends.

Here we are at the last edition of 2018, still not so sure where the past 11 months have gone.

Yesterday, from when typing

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5 12, 2018


Novid Welcomes New Member

Novid Inc., a leader in stainless steel fabrication is pleased to announce the addition of Shawn Compton to their team.

Ryan Plett, President of Novid was quoted as saying; “We’re very proud to have Shawn come on board with our team as our Director of Business Development for our Livestock Division.

5 12, 2018

Pork Chops

Prairie Livestock Expo

Prairie Livestock Expo, which will be held at the Victoria Inn and Conference Centre Wednesday December 12th in Winnipeg 9am – 6pm. The one day show features the largest pork quality competition along with New & Evolving Technologies presentations. Free admission, free parking. •


Banff Pork Seminar

Banff Pork Seminar will take place at

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5 12, 2018

Lack of Qualified Farm Workers Hurting the Canadian Economy

While the people owning and operating the farms, the number of people needed to run the farms and do the work keeps dropping steadily and the lack thereof hurts the overall economy.

Janice Goldsborough, the Human Resources and Training Coordinator with Manitoba Pork said the growing lack of available farm workers threatens to take a

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5 12, 2018

MSG, a AI Success Story

Magnum Swine Genetics, which is based just outside Fort McLeod, Alberta, has seen some solid growth since its beginnings in the fall of 1996. MSG is Air Cargo Certified and approved by the CFIA. They have clients all across Canada.

“We started with 30 spaces for boars,” explained owner Andrew Beusekom, on a recent visit