• MP - Jenelle Hamblin
5 12, 2018

Crucial for Hog Producers in Manitoba to Sign Up – Manitoba Coordinated Disease Response

While biosecurity heightens in the livestock sectors as more diseases raise their ugly heads Jenelle Hamblin, the Manager of Swine Health Programs with Manitoba Pork said the effort to rid the province of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea continues to make progress.

Hamblin told pork producers at the Manitoba Pork’s fall producer meetings in Niverville and Portage

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5 12, 2018

Space 2018 – Peace and Quiet

This major multi-species French livestock salon is held each September in Rennes, in the heart of Brittany. It is notable for two key reasons. Firstly it’s one of the few large shows that is still held annually. Exhibitors might prefer a biennial event but attendances still are good (although visitor numbers at 108,347 were

5 12, 2018

On The Edge With Siemens Says

Churchill, Manitoba is a railway town once again


In 2017, spring flooding severely damaged the Hudson Bay Rail Line, Churchill’s only land link to the rest of Canada. Since then, people and freight could only access Churchill via air and sea. Prices on everything from fuel to groceries skyrocketed. Tourism declined. It stranded local families,

5 12, 2018

Carbon Tax Fears

Few things are more concerning in business than the possible impact of something new and unknown.

And that is exactly what the agriculture sector is facing as the Canadian government remains steadfast in its commitment to implement a carbon tax.

On October 23, the federal government announced it will be applying its federal carbon pricing system

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5 12, 2018

Alberta Livestock Expo A Success

Growing by over 30+ booths from last year and adding a carcass and BBQ rib competition made the two-day event a good place to be.

“The second installment of the Alberta Livestock Expo was a success,” states Chris Tokaruk creator of the now annual show in Lethbridge.

A solid turn out of producers came from Saskatchewan,

  • Rick Bergman and Frank Novak
  • John Ross
  • Dan Majeau mug
5 12, 2018

Alberta Producers Seek CPE Premium

Delegates to Alberta Pork’s 2018 Annual General Meeting have unanimously approved a resolution seeking extra cash from processors once Canada’s new hog quality platform kicks in.

The three elements of Canadian Pork Excellence – PigSAFE, PigCARE and PigTRACE – replaced the Canadian Quality Assurance (CQA) program in January, requiring a few tweaks and offering in

  • vent chimney - pucks closed
  • longshot
  • Bruce Salomons
  • breeding room
5 12, 2018

Building for the Future – New Approaches on a New Colony








Martin Stahl hopes that, long after his children have become grandparents, their colony’s first hog barn will still safely and efficiently produce big batches of healthy hogs.

Late in November, just before their new gilts were set to arrive, members of the newly-established Whitesand Colony offered fellow producers and industry partners an afternoon tour of

  • Ag in the Classroom
  • Sarah Probst-Miller
  • Ron Gietz
  • John Carr
5 12, 2018

red deer swine technology workshop

Changes in both venue and management appear to have had little impact on the quality of Red Deer’s annual Swine Technology Workshop, held on October 24.

This year, the workshop was offered in one of the pavilions at Westerner Park and operated in-house by the team from Alberta Pork, with support of a solid crew

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5 12, 2018

Helping Hog Farmers Through the Processes to Build the Industry

With the Manitoba hog industry back on track to move forward the Manitoba Swine Infrastructure Development Corporation (MSIDC) is proving helpful to those considering building new swine production facilities. Manitoba Pork Council created the MSIDC to help farmers who are considering building a hog barn navigate the permitting and conditional use hearing processes.

MP Chair

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5 12, 2018

Swine Innovation Porc Focuses Research with National Priorities

Swine Innovation Porc Chair Stewart Cressman told Manitoba Pork’s 2018 producer meetings this fall one of the priorities is to provide tools that will allow reduced use of antibiotics while maintaining productivity and efficiency.

Cressman, who is from Ontario, said research aimed at reducing antibiotic use while maintaining the health and productivity of the herd,