• michael young 1
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  • brian-sullivan
7 02, 2019

Breakout Sessions– the Heart of Banff Pork Seminar

If networking is the soul of Banff Pork Seminar, then the breakout sessions are its heart. This is where producers, veterinarians, technicians, truckers, scientists and sales staff get together for an intimate look at the new developments that are of the most interest to them.

Possibly one of the more tantalizing of this year’s offerings

7 02, 2019

Some stagering numbers, featured from Jim Long’s Pork Commentary January 28, 2019

China National Pig Inventory at end of December 2018 was 366.2082 million, down 38.2581 million from December 2017. The sow inventory at the end of December 2018 was 29.7314 million, dropped by 699,900 head compared to November. The sow inventory 2018 decreased 9.64% compared to 2017. Down 4.5 million sows December to December. U.S.D.A.

  • BPS - Egan Brockhoff IMG_5313
7 02, 2019

Tighten up Biosecurity and ASF Consequences

The Canadian pork sector is encouraging Canadian Border Services to get more detector dogs and to provide more information to travellers about the risks of bringing meat into the country.

African Swine Fever continues to spread in Europe, it’s in Russia, it’s moved into China and is getting closer to other southeast Asian countries. It’s

  • Aherne winner Israel Farm
  • daniel-justin-maendel
  • Ball first place Victoria Seip
  • Ball second place Mariia Tokareva
7 02, 2019

Awarding Free Thinkers and Innovators

An important segment of the Banff Pork Seminar is the effort to encourage young scientists and to reward production crews who develop unique solutions to common problems.

Every year, two nominees are selected for the F.X. Aherne Award for Innovative Pork Production, which recognizes systems and tools developed on the farm. The award is named

7 02, 2019

PED Confirmed in Alberta

Few details had been released by the end of January about Alberta’s first case of PED. On Monday, January 7, provincial officials released a statement confirming that the disease had been found on a 400-sow farm somewhere in Central Alberta.

In an interesting coincidence, the news that provincial officials had confirmed the discovery started reaching

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7 02, 2019

Guarding Against a Stealthy and Silent Killer

One sick pig is all it will take to destroy Canada’s swine industry at a cost that will reach billions of dollars, says a Central Alberta veterinarian.

Egan Brockhoff, who has been at the forefront of the battle against porcine epidemic diarrhea, was asked to give a presentation to the 2019 Banff Pork Seminar about

  • Haylee Clifford
  • Kase van Ittersum
  • Allan King and Kevin Kuschke
  • Paul Anderson - UV-Safe
7 02, 2019

Banff Pork Seminar

There’s only one answer when your employer offers you a chance to see how your industry looks from the other side of the globe. So, when Australian nutritionist Haylee Clifford learned that her employer had a bit of funding available for a research project, she did some digging and decided she would like to

7 02, 2019

From the publishers desk,

Here we are at the start of another year, and I am very proud to share that 2019 marks the 23rd year of publishing for Prairie Hog Country, your dedicated Western Canadian connection to the hog sector.

As all of you know our industry has been in the news and in what I refer to

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7 02, 2019

Honey-Mustard Tenderloin

Honey-Mustard Tenderloin



12 oz (375 g) Canadian Pork Tenderloin

1/4 cup (50 ml) honey

2 tbsp (25 ml) cider vinegar

2 tbsp (25 ml) brown sugar

1 tbsp (15 ml) prepared yellow mustard



Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C). In a small bowl, mix honey, vinegar, sugar and mustard. Coat pork tenderloin with sauce. Place pork tenderloin in a shallow pan,

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7 02, 2019


TOPIGS Hands out Top Awards

At a recent awards banquet in Winnipeg, TOPIGS presented awards in various categories. This year again, Topigs Norsvin customers achieved outstanding results. In 2017 there were 9 herds across Canada achieving over 30 pigs weaned / mated female / year.

In 2018 there were 20 herds over 30 PSY with an