• 2. NC - Novi-Comp unit
  • 4. NC - Loading zone - doors open
  • 3. NC - bones
  • 5. NC - 1st inspection door compost 2
7 02, 2019

In-vessel Composting a Key to Biosecurity in Disposing of Dead Stock

No matter what the season Manitoba Pork continues to confirm cases of PEDv. Recent cases serve as a warning to always keep biosecurity practices top of mind on farms.

Manitoba Pork says, “Each producer should develop biosecurity protocols in consultation with your veterinarian, considering all aspects of your operation, and shared and regularly reviewed with

7 02, 2019

Enrichment for Sows: Increasing Positive Behavior

There is no denying that enrichment for pigs has been slow to catch on with pork producers. Besides the cost of materials and the time needed to install, clean or repair enrichments, producers may ask, “what’s the big deal about ‘pig toys’?” However, there is now an impressive amount of research showing the benefits

7 02, 2019

On The Edge With Siemens Says

Changing our attitude is vital to a happier you

Remember nearly 20 years ago, it was the year 2000, and I wonder whether any people out there still have dried foods in their cupboard because the world was coming to an end, at least the digital world. Well, it didn’t happen. Now, with another New

7 02, 2019

Do Consumers Have the Power ?

As we embark on a new year, it is always a time to contemplate what the world of agriculture may evolve to become?

One thing that does seem likely to occur moving forward is that big corporations will increasingly decide what farmers produce, and perhaps more concerning will increasingly be telling producers how to operate

7 02, 2019

It’s Vital to Keep China Feed Ingredients out of North America

George Matheson, the Chair of Manitoba Pork said to defend against African Swine Fever, both Canadian and U.S. pork producers would like to see a reduction of feed imports from China.

A Manitoba Pork delegation participated in the 2019 Iowa Pork Congress in Des Moines and met with fellow pork producers, U.S. pork sector officials,

  • George Matheson 1 (1)
7 02, 2019

New Barns and Biosecurity Vital to Sustained Growth in the Manitoba Hog Industry

George Matheson, a hog farmer near Stonewall, MB and chair of the Manitoba Pork Council, sat down at the recent Prairie Livestock Expo in Winnipeg to talk about his farm, his role as chair of MPC and the pork industry. The PLE brings producers together from a variety of livestock sectors with exhibits from

7 02, 2019

Fulton Says to Lock in a Quarter of Your Hog Production

The trade situation, global demand for pork, and African Swine Fever will influence hog markets in 2019.

Tyler Fulton, the Director of Risk Management with h@ms Marketing Services advised pork producers to take advantage of profitable futures prices by forward contracting a limited portion of their production.

Fulton said despite consistently record high fourth quarter slaughter

  • IMG_1079
  • IMG_1136
  • PLE - GC - Barrickman
7 02, 2019

Pork Quality Competition Showcases Product and Supports Food Banks and Charities

Out of 42 superb hog carcasses entered in the Pork Quality Competition at the Prairie Livestock Expo in Winnipeg, MB last month, Barrickman Colony took home both the Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion honours. Country Meats & Sausage in Blumenort, MB donated the processing.

The top ten placements were: 1- Barrickman Colony, 2 –

7 02, 2019

Biosecurity a Must to Keep Our Pigs Healthy

With an outbreak of the PEDv on an Alberta hog farm on January 7, a report in an Australian farm website, BeefCentral.com free online premium news and market intelligence service dedicated to the Australian beef industry about the African Swine Fever paled the Alberta story.

The Banff Pork Seminar spent many of its sessions on

  • 2. PVC - loadout 500 head
  • 10. A,P, Georage
  • 7. pens feeders
  • 11. ceiling
7 02, 2019

Largest Finisher Barn in Canada Opens with Three Separate Kitchens

Plainview Hutterite Colony near Elkhorn, Manitoba held the grand opening of its new finisher barn last month, the largest hog finisher barn in Canada. With over 120,000 square feet, the barn made almost entirely of concrete, stainless steel, and plastic has 18 large finisher rooms, plus numerous isolation rooms, sorting rooms, storage rooms, and