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6 02, 2020

Banff Pork Seminar Awards: The Gifts that Keep On Giving

Julia Linck Moroni and Ben Willing, Photo courtesy of BPS

Awards offered during the annual Banff Pork Seminar carry far greater value than the price of a leather jacket, a wall plaque or a handful of cash. Winners of the annual F.X. Aherne Prize and finalists in the R.O. Ball competition, both named for

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6 02, 2020

VIDO-InterVac Hopes to Start Testing New ASF Treatments on Animals Soon

Dr. Volker Gerdts, the Director and CEO of VIDO-InterVac (picture supplied).

When the phrase African Swine Fever comes up, it makes people in the pig industry and certain government officials who know what’s at stake shudder. That is why research institutes and organizations are working hard to come up with a vaccine that will

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6 02, 2020

PEDv: Is It Really That Bad

Dr Karine Talbot

Dr. Karine Talbot, who is the Director of Animal Health with HyLife, said the emotional experience of dealing with Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea is as bad or worse than anyone would realize.
PED virus entered Canada in 2014, showing up in Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba, and Prince Edward Island and discovered in Alberta a year

6 02, 2020

Effectively Reducing Disease Transmission During Transport

Pig production is a major industry in Canada (Dorjee et al., 2013) and its success over the years relied heavily on the availability of highly improved breeding stock. Breeding stock production is typically located in areas where disease pressure is low and biosecurity perimeters are wide. However, being able to take advantage of these

6 02, 2020

BC Small Lot Pig Guide

To register as a commercial producer with the British Columbia Hog Marketing Commission, a farm must produce the equivalent of at least 300 market hogs/year. With only15 producers meeting that threshold, BC has among the smallest commercial hog sectors in Canada.
Despite that, the province could well have the largest number of hog producers in

6 02, 2020

On The Edge With Siemens Says

Pick a road and stay the course
2019 was undoubtedly a year with many and extended mixed blessings. Having attended various producer meetings and conventions in the last three months, dairy, pigs, and more accurately kept informed via the president of the Manitoba Beef Producers, all expressed challenges having to do with the

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6 02, 2020

Hog Prices Keep People Guessing

Tyler Fulton

Tyler Fulton, the Director of Risk Management with Hams Marketing Services, is hopeful Chinese demand for U.S. pork will lead to higher hog prices in 2020. Despite the record, U.S. slaughter hog numbers prices are holding steady since the start of 2020. Fulton said retail pork values in North America are steady to

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6 02, 2020

Banff Pork: Information and a Whole Lot More

A candy version of Banff Springs Hotel

Night time view Conference Centre

Amy Cronin Chair of BPS, Photo courtesy of BPS

A year shy of its 50th anniversary, Banff Pork Seminar hosted 755 delegates for two days of learning, sharing and networking at the jewel of the Rocky Mountains, the Fairmont Banff Springs.
Organizing committee Chair

6 02, 2020

From the Publishers Desk

Wow – welcome to 2020 – still not exactly sure where 2019 went, it came and went in a blur. Time wise it seemed, however, last year was a scary one indeed with the constant threat of African Swine Fever, which continues today and will throughout 2020. That hot topic remains top of producers

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5 12, 2019

Charity Big Winner at Alberta Livestock Expo

Blowing snow, slushy and ice covered roads could not keep those away to set up their booths for this year’s Alberta Livestock Expo. The two day show, which took place October 9 & 10, saw an expanded floor plan with 130 booths representing over eight-five companies. The aisles were filled with vibrant conversations, discussion on