4 06, 2020

Food Sector Challenges

To say we are living in unusual times is an understatement.That is particularly true for the food sector.On one hand we are being warned we could face a shortage, at least in certain foods, meats heading the list, while on the other hand producers are finding markets drying up.A case in point is the

4 06, 2020

Feed Sourced from FMD Free Regions Poses Minimal Risk to North American Livestock

Research continues to move forward on so many fronts in the pig business as research conducted by the Swine Health Information Center has confirmed the ability of viruses to survive in feed under real-world conditions.Laboratory research shows viruses can survive in feed ingredients during transport over long distances.As a next step, in partnership with

4 06, 2020

Refined like Silver

“For You, O God, have tested us; You have refined us like silver.” (Psalm 66:10)The mineral silver is found among other minerals and ores. For it to be precious, moldable, and fashionable – it has to be refined. If there is silver in the ore it needs to be smelted at 962 degrees Celsius

4 06, 2020

Siemens Says

Never the twain shall meet -Harvest by fire!What’s the meaning of the phrase ‘Never the twain shall meet’ – Two things which are so different as to have no opportunity to unite. While not pursuing that phrase specifically, it reminded me of the 2019 harvest that began in August 2019 and for some farmers

4 06, 2020

Covid-19 And Pigs: What You Need To Know

Dr. Gray’s article prepared for AlbertaFarm Animal Care

During the era of Covid-19, these unprecedented times bring high anxiety as we do not have all the answers. One minute, we’re told not to wear masks, and the next, well…you better get yourself a mask.The pig industry is certainly not free from the anxiety of this

4 06, 2020

Update on Financial Support Offered to Farmers from CEBA Changes

In a news release, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) says CEBA has potential to provide up to $670 million directly to farmers from the forgivable portion of CEBA interest-free loans.The Canadian Emergency Business Account has potential to provide up to $670 million directly to farmers from the forgivable portion of Canadian Emergency Business Account

4 06, 2020

HyLife Marches Forward With Two Major Purchases in 2020

HyLife made two business deals recently that shows the company continues to be serious about growing the business in North America.The most recent announced on May 22, has HyLife partnering with Glen Taylor, purchasing 75 per cent equity interest of Prime Pork LLC from Taylor Corporation.The critical element here is additional processing capacity for

4 06, 2020

Dr. Carr Says Pig Protein Vital to Human Health and Beating COVID-19

Late last month, Ceva Animal Health hosted a successful webinar, “Maximize Your Farm Security”, in which Dr. John Carr and Avery Zeng provided their view on biosecurity, with a focus on the ASF experience in China. (More on the seminars in a future issue).Dr. Carr, in his opening remarks to 800 swine industry representatives

4 06, 2020

Genetic Selection for Disease Resilience

The identification of genetic traits that contribute to disease resilience in swine could become a mainstream approach to protecting pigs from diseases.Since 2015 an international team of scientists is contributing to a natural disease challenge model established at the CDPQ wean to finish commercial research facilities in Quebec for evaluating the resilience of swine

4 06, 2020

Independent Hog Farmers Co-op a Great Source for Hog Producers

Ten years ago, Arian de Bekker helped develop an agricultural co-operative (Independent Hog Farmers Co-op Inc.) specifically for independent pig farmers. Its aim to combine the volume of production to access opportunities in purchasing goods and farm insurance and provide technical and management education.De Bekker said the co-op formed officially in 2011, but existed