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6 08, 2020

The Heart Team is a Charitable Operation Recovering Bodies

Paul and Manuel Maendel Heart Team members of the Oak Bluff Hutterite Colony east of Morris, MB recently attended a trade show selling sonar and dive assist equipment and advanced technology.The next part has to do with the cost of equipment, travel, accommodation, meals, and other costs as part of the recovery expenses, training,

6 08, 2020

More Durable Swine Transport Trailer Sensors Ready for Testing

Scientists working on behalf of Swine Innovation Porc [SIP] are preparing to test the third generation of more durable sensors designed to track temperatures within swine transport trailers.As part of research by the University of Saskatchewan, the Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization, the Prairie Swine Centre and the Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute to improve

6 08, 2020

Working Together Against Deadly ASF, Better Late Then Never

As much as we tend to think the world is more interconnected these days, countries still tend to operate very much in isolation of one another.Perhaps if COVID-19 has a positive it is that there seems at least a somewhat greater awareness across borders, although here in Canada situated as we are adjacent to

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6 08, 2020

Despite COVID-19 Challenges ASF Preparedness Advances

Dr. Egan Brockhoff, the Veterinary Counsel with the Canadian Pork Council, said amid the turmoil surrounding COVID-19, the risk posed to the North American swine sector by African Swine Fever has decreased.Although African Swine Fever continues to spread throughout Asian and parts of Europe, North America remains ASF-free.Dr. Brockhoff, also a member of the

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6 08, 2020

Welcome to HEART, the Hutterite Emergency Aquatic Response Team

Manuel (L) and Paul Mandel of HEART

Recently Prairie Hog Country had the privilege of spending a morning with two brothers, Paul and Manuel Maendel, the ‘heart’ of the Heart Team of certified divers from the Oak Bluff Hutterite Colony east of Morris, MB. The Team volunteers their services for Emergency Water Search and Rescue

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6 08, 2020

Selling Pork Despite the Fallout From COVID-19 Pandemic

Ian Smith owns and operates the Smith farm at Argyle, MB, in the family since 1953, but his claim to fame continues selling Natural Raised Pork.Smith said despite the COVID-19 pandemic, his home delivery pork business continues strong.Formerly a dairy farm, the Smiths began raising pigs on their quarter section near Argyle, Manitoba, in

6 08, 2020

Vaccines Key to Halting the Spread of COVID-19

Dr. Volker Gerdts, the Director and CEO of VIDO-InterVac, said the introduction of vaccines to protect from COVID-19 is key to slowing the spread of the infection.VIDO developed a COVID-19 vaccine which is showing effectiveness in ferrets, and is safety testing the vaccine in animals, hoping to move into human trials by fall.Dr. Gerdts

6 08, 2020

Enormous Backlog Pressures Slaughter Hog Values

Tyler Fulton, with Hams Marketing Services in Winnipeg, MB, said the hog prices continue very depressed with the cash market in the United States struggling to make gains burdened by vast supplies. The reality is packers aren’t back up to 100 per cent capacity. Producers with those extra uncommitted hogs need to negotiate prices

6 08, 2020

Donald’s Fine Foods Looking at Converting Former Beef Plant in Moose Jaw, SK. to Pork Processing

Prairie hog producers may soon have a new avenue for selling their sows.Donald’s Fine Foods has announced plans to undertake a feasibility study to determine the viability of converting the former beef plant in Moose Jaw, SK. into a sow processing facility.The facility, if it moves forward would fill something of a void for

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6 08, 2020

Options For Fixing a Broken Pricing Model

Leaders in Western Canada’s hog industry have thrown down the gauntlet in their search for a pricing system that will give producers the ability to earn a living.Last year, the total earnings to Canadian packers was up $400 million from the previous year. So far this year, they have already made $440 million more