3 12, 2020

Re: AgriStability – Changes to the Trigger/ Payment Rate Needed

Please find below a letter from the Chair of the Canadian Pork Council and the chairs of the provincial pork producer organizations in Canada regarding the needed  changes to the AgriStabilityWe are concerned that the if the Federal Provincial and Territorial ministers will make very few changes to the AgriStability program due to affordability. Removing

3 12, 2020

Sometimes Called Prairie Gold

While wheat was once king on the Canadian Prairies in terms of what farmers grew, changes in world markets eventually led to a change atop the crop list, at least in terms of value. Recalling back to my days in school, and having grown up on a small Saskatchewan farm, I was keenly aware of

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3 12, 2020

To Sing

To SingText: Psalm 149:1Isn’t it ironic? Irony is a deliberate contrast in what is said or done, between plain and intended meaning.Note the irony in these headlines.Man is unexpectedly locked inside 24 Hour Fitness after they closed.Warehouse worker packing stress balls punched his boss in face.And how about this one? “Sing to the Lord

3 12, 2020

Feeding Pigs Healthy and Dropping the Carbon Footprint

Dr. Denise Beaulieu, an assistant professor at the University of Saskatchewan, said that pork is relatively small in terms of global greenhouse gas output. The output from pork is probably less than 2 per cent of overall greenhouse gas output. Consumption of pork is increasing worldwide, and one of the most highly consumed meat

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3 12, 2020

Keep Vigilant and up Your Biosecurity to Keep ASF Out

Dr. Egan Brockhoff, a veterinarian with the Canadian Pork Council, said the threat of African Swine Fever (ASF) continues to be a concern for Canada’s pork industry.Brockhoff said this virus continues to move throughout the world, and in Germany, it is moving in the wild pig population.He said the Canadian pork industry continues to

3 12, 2020

Producer Survey Examines Factors that Lead to the Culling of Sows

Researchers working on behalf of Swine Innovation Porc are examining how different sow management practices may increase culling levels.A multi-institutional team of scientists working in partnership with Swine Innovation Porc evaluates factors related to sow management and culling.The team asks Canadian pork producers to participate in a national survey designed to identify the factors

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3 12, 2020

Armouring Canada’s Swine Herd

The outbreak of porcine epidemic diarrhea in Canada almost eight years ago highlighted some serious gaps in existing biosecurity protocols.  Those gaps are now being closed in a four-pillar approach, developed as Canada, United States and Mexico hosted a series of forums to look at four areas where improvements could be made, says Red Deer-based

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3 12, 2020

Genomic Sequencing Helping to Revolutionize Diagnostics 

Dr. Yanyun Huang, chief executive officer of Prairie Diagnostic Services, said the expanding number of infectious diseases elevates the importance of laboratory testing. PDS, located at the Western College of Veterinary Medicine, is a full-function, not-for-profit diagnostic laboratory which provides a full spectrum of veterinary diagnostic services for all species. Dr. Huang said, while infectious disease

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3 12, 2020

Animal Rights Activists Take Advantage of COVID-19 Pandemic

Hannah Thompson-Weeman, the vice president of communications for the Animal Agriculture Alliance, said the actions of extreme animal rights groups certainly didn’t pull back. It looks like it’s become even more extreme.Thompson-Weeman said activist organizations ramped up their efforts in 2020 and did not take any moment to slow down their efforts despite the

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3 12, 2020

Feed Biosecurity

Following Canada’s lead, the United States is making up ground in the fight against deadly viruses clinging to imported feed products. Dr. Scott Dee has been at the forefront of studies in the United States on disease control in the pork industry. In a presentation to the 2020 Saskatchewan Pork Industry Symposium via Zoom, he