• JC-feed-wastage-
8 04, 2021

Stop Wasting Feed on Pig Farms 

Dr. John Carr, a world livestock consultant, veterinarian, and lecturer, presented recently on reducing production cost and particularly looking at the cost of feed wastes in pig production.  Food accounts for the bulk of the production cost, about 65 per cent is food, genetics around 6 per cent, health bill at around four and five

8 04, 2021

Changes Allow Easier Comparisons of Swine Health Surveillance Data 

Changes in how the Canada West Swine Health Intelligence Network presents swine health surveillance data will allow direct comparisons of what veterinarians’ report compared to what the diagnostic labs report. As part of its swine disease monitoring and surveillance efforts, the CWSHIN surveys veterinarians quarterly conduct quarterly conference calls with veterinarians to discuss issues and

8 04, 2021

SASK Pork Looking Ahead to Blended Events

The COVID-19 pandemic has meant changes in just about everything in our lives over the past year, and that includes how Sask Pork has carried on its affairs.  “Over the past year we really haven’t had any face-to-face meetings,” said Mark Ferguson, General Manager with Sask Pork. “… It’s been a challenge not seeing people face-to-face.”  But,

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8 04, 2021

A Prescription for Production Reduction  

Alberta producers desperate to stop the bleeding are looking at strategic cuts in production to reduce cost and leverage processors – not necessarily in that order.  Discussion of a broken pricing model and the need to put more money into producers’ pockets has netted some concessions from major packers during the past year. But even at the recent spike to $1.93

8 04, 2021

Federal Government Protection for Temporary Foreign Workers 

As of March 21, 2021, asymptomatic temporary foreign workers (TFWs) will be able to travel directly to their place of quarantine after getting a COVID-19 test at the airport, provided they travel by private transportation and accompanied only by others who travelled with them to Canada. TFWs will need to travel by public means

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8 04, 2021

It’s Fun to Feed Pigs Once Again Says Suncrest Colony’s Kleinsasser 

Anytime in 2020, Bob Kleinsasser hog boss at the Suncrest Colony near Steinbach, MB when asked about the hog business, “There is no more fun in feeding hogs.” A prolonged drop in hog prices, an outbreak of the dreaded PED virus, COVID-19 fallout made trips to the hog barn discouraging.   Kleinsasser looks after a 900-farrow-to-finish

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8 04, 2021

Did someone say stress?  

 INTRODUCTION  Shoulders hurt? Headache? Having trouble getting to sleep? You just may be a farmer. If those symptoms barely scratch the surface, you might be a hog producer on the Canadian Prairies.  A little stress is a good thing – it helps us grow, say professionals who have been growing concerned about the mental status of farmers and ranchers

8 04, 2021

From the publishers desk,

A year ago in the April/May 2020 edition of Prairie Hog Country I typed a note about usually not at a loss for words, but not sure what to say. Well fast-forward to April/May 2021 and I am still not really sure what to say. Yes, we are getting used multiple zoom meetings & live

1 04, 2021

Canadian Global Affairs says U.S. Canada Relations Back to Normal 

Colin Robertson, the vice president of Canadian Global Affairs Institute expects the Joe Biden administration to revisit membership in the Comprehensive Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership as it moves deeper into its mandate. The National Pork Producers Council has identified lobbying for the United States to re-join the CPTP as one of its top priorities for this

4 02, 2021

Alternative Methods

How to deal with the challenges of agriculture – weeds, disease, insects – without immediately turning to crop protection products is always a question to explore.It’s not that I see crop protection products as a bad thing, for the farm, the environment or the consumer as long as they are used properly and their