3 06, 2021

There is Hope for Disappearing Ears on Hogs 

Researchers with the Western College of Veterinary Medicine report progress in identifying the factors that cause ear tip necrosis.Ear tip necrosis is a common condition that typically affects pigs after weaning where the tip of the ear turns necrotic, leading to partial or complete loss of the ear and, while many multiple theories, the

3 06, 2021

Online Producer Meeting

For the second year in-a-row the Prairie Swine Centre held its annual producer meeting online.  “In our continued commitment to bring you timely relevant information we will be hosting a webinar in place of our traditional producer’s meetings held in April of each year,” noted the PSC webpage.  “. . .  This year’s meeting highlights

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3 06, 2021

Be Proactive and Stay Ahead of the Animal Activists says Animal Ag Alliance

Hog Watch Manitoba, in several webinars, attacked production agriculture namely hog production. With the chaos from the COVID-19 pandemic continuing, this group held a three-part webinar in April titled the hidden cost of industrial hog production. The group targeted antibiotic use in hog production, farm size, corporate farming, how hog production in Manitoba affects climate

3 06, 2021

Will MCOOL Come Back to Haunt the Canadian Pork Industry  

While some think the Biden Administration in the United States is too busy to consider tackling the Country-of-Origin-Labeling debate at this point, others, especially the Canadian pork industry will keep an eye on what transpires.  The Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) recently applauded the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation for passing

3 06, 2021

Disease is Devasting

When it comes to livestock disease the Canadian agriculture sector is keenly aware of how devastating they can be in terms of impacting trade.  The Canadian beef sector was shaken to its foundation when Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) was initially found in a single Alberta cow in 2003.  Trade in beef and live cattle exports ground to a

3 06, 2021

WCVM Reports Record Low Numbers of Influenza This Year

Dr. Susan Detmer, an Associate Professor with the Western College of Veterinary Medicine reported record low numbers of Influenza this year. Although the media tracks the spread of COVID-19, little mention of Influenza this year. Dr. Detmer said the major cause of Influenza strain spread in the human population is international airline travel and the

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3 06, 2021

Scientists Explore the Role of Lysine in Sow Mammary Tissue Development

Researchers with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada expect to know by fall whether increasing the lysine content in sow rations during late gestation will stimulate the development of mammary tissue. To increase the productivity of piglets, scientists working on behalf of Swine Innovation Porc are looking at various strategies to increase sow milk production, including the

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3 06, 2021

Hog Producers Invited Online to Survey

Hog producers can register their research priorities with a new survey launched by Swine Innovation Porc .It’s atswineinnovationporc.ca and at the survey link.Chairman Stewart Cressman of New Dundee said the information will help determine what is most important to stakeholders and collaborators and identify any gaps.The analyses of the data will go to the

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3 06, 2021

International Heritage Breeds Week

There are days when I sit down to pen an opinion column and an idea eludes me.  For that reason alone, I send thanks to the creators of the Internet, since a search, while at times becoming a time-sink as I follow various threads down the proverbial cyber-rabbit hole, in the end something will be

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3 06, 2021

Bills 62 and 63 Offer Enhanced Protection for Livestock in MB

Cam Dahl

Cam Dahl, the general manager of Manitoba Pork said legislation designed to protect landowners from trespassers would enhance the ability of livestock producers to guard their animals against the introduction of disease. Bill 62, the Animal Diseases Amendment Act and Bill 63, the Petty Trespass Amendment and Occupiers Liability Act, introduced by the Manitoba