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8 04, 2021

Researchers Examine Processing to reduce ergot toxicity 

Ergot contaminated Ry

Research by the University of Saskatchewan will help swine producers protect their pigs from ergot-contaminated feeds’ toxic effects. In feeding trials conducted with piglets by the University extreme processing of ergot contaminated feed using steam, explosion reduced the amount of the ergot alkaloid. It caused a shift in the alkaloid profile reducing its toxic

8 04, 2021

Long Says Supply and Demand Raising the Hog Price 

Hog commentator Jim Long called his March 23 commentary, ‘hog prices continue to climb’ with Iowa – Southern Minnesota Friday, March 19 price averaging at $91.44, the highest price since October 2014. Pork Cut-outs closed Friday at $102.99 and so on.  Long said help the poor producers who listened to the Chicken Littles who encouraged

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8 04, 2021

Manitoba Pork Complaint to Competition Bureau of Canada 

Cam Dahl, Manitoba Pork GM

The Board of directors of Manitoba Pork hired a new general manager effective on Feb 22, 2021, whose name is Cam Dahl.   Dahl joined the organization with an extensive background in Canadian agriculture encompassing both crops and livestock, serving as the Chief Strategy Officer for Cereals Canada. He also served as

8 04, 2021

Using Body Cameras for Animal Welfare Assessments 

The use of body cameras proves valuable in conducting animal welfare assessments amid the current restrictions designed to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Researchers with Western College of Veterinary Medicine evaluated the use of body cameras, similar to those used by police departments, as an option for barn personnel to support remote animal welfare assessments. Dr.

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8 04, 2021

Stop Wasting Feed on Pig Farms 

Dr. John Carr, a world livestock consultant, veterinarian, and lecturer, presented recently on reducing production cost and particularly looking at the cost of feed wastes in pig production.  Food accounts for the bulk of the production cost, about 65 per cent is food, genetics around 6 per cent, health bill at around four and five

8 04, 2021

Changes Allow Easier Comparisons of Swine Health Surveillance Data 

Changes in how the Canada West Swine Health Intelligence Network presents swine health surveillance data will allow direct comparisons of what veterinarians’ report compared to what the diagnostic labs report. As part of its swine disease monitoring and surveillance efforts, the CWSHIN surveys veterinarians quarterly conduct quarterly conference calls with veterinarians to discuss issues and

8 04, 2021

SASK Pork Looking Ahead to Blended Events

The COVID-19 pandemic has meant changes in just about everything in our lives over the past year, and that includes how Sask Pork has carried on its affairs.  “Over the past year we really haven’t had any face-to-face meetings,” said Mark Ferguson, General Manager with Sask Pork. “… It’s been a challenge not seeing people face-to-face.”  But,

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8 04, 2021

A Prescription for Production Reduction  

Alberta producers desperate to stop the bleeding are looking at strategic cuts in production to reduce cost and leverage processors – not necessarily in that order.  Discussion of a broken pricing model and the need to put more money into producers’ pockets has netted some concessions from major packers during the past year. But even at the recent spike to $1.93

8 04, 2021

Federal Government Protection for Temporary Foreign Workers 

As of March 21, 2021, asymptomatic temporary foreign workers (TFWs) will be able to travel directly to their place of quarantine after getting a COVID-19 test at the airport, provided they travel by private transportation and accompanied only by others who travelled with them to Canada. TFWs will need to travel by public means

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8 04, 2021

It’s Fun to Feed Pigs Once Again Says Suncrest Colony’s Kleinsasser 

Anytime in 2020, Bob Kleinsasser hog boss at the Suncrest Colony near Steinbach, MB when asked about the hog business, “There is no more fun in feeding hogs.” A prolonged drop in hog prices, an outbreak of the dreaded PED virus, COVID-19 fallout made trips to the hog barn discouraging.   Kleinsasser looks after a 900-farrow-to-finish