10 02, 2022

Labour Shortage Limits Agriculture’s Growth Potential 

Cam Dahl, the general manager of Manitoba Pork, warns that the labour shortage facing agriculture limits the sector’s growth potential and causes some operations to question whether they can continue to operate. Manitoba Pork posted an article on the labour crunch faced by Canadian agriculture, highlighting shortages. Last year, a Canadian Agricultural Resources Council survey

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10 02, 2022

WCVM Explores the Cause of Ear Tip Necrosis 

Dr. Matheus Costa an Assistant Professor with the Western College of Veterinary Medicine said efforts to determine the cause and develop strategies to prevent ear tip necrosis are more about animal welfare than economics. In response to increased reports in western Canada of ear tip necrosis, the Western College of Veterinary Medicine is investigating the

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10 02, 2022

China is the Top Global Importer of all Major Farm Commodities 

said at the Banff Pork Seminar that China is the top influencer in agricultural markets around the world.  Everything has changed in the last five years. Speaking from charts and many travels, global corn, wheat, beef, pork, and chicken China dominates the purchases in those commodities.  In the last three years, corn in China went from

10 02, 2022

On The Edge With Siemens Says

What will happen if truckers don’t want to drive and people don’t want to work   As I write this column on Sunday afternoon January 23, 2022, it is hard to believe what is happening. I’m watching video after video appear on social media from truckers and friends of truckers, on a nationwide truck and vehicle

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10 02, 2022

Remembering Howard Fredeen

A swine geneticist and author who spent his entire career at the Lacombe Research Centre will be remembered by his friends in the industry as the father of the Lacombe Pig.Howard Fredeen was born in Macrorie, Sask. on December 10, 1921 and died in Lacombe on December 27, 2021 – just over two weeks

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10 02, 2022

Manitoba Pork Updates Producers on the PEDv Outbreak in Manitoba

Janelle Hamblin

Manitoba Pork hosted a town hall meeting on December 7 via Zoom to update producers on the current PED outbreak. Chairing this session, Manitoba Pork’s Jenelle Hamblin outlined the current status of the outbreak which stood at 22 and since climbed to 27. The majority of outbreaks are in the high-risk area for

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10 02, 2022

Genetic Markers Hold Potential for Identifying Lines Resilient to PRRS 

Dr. John Harding

Researchers with the Western College of Veterinary Medicine have identified genetic markers that might help identify genetic lines that are more resistant to Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS). PRRS can result in early farrowing, the birth of weak infected pigs or death of the fetus but some fetuses within a litter or

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10 02, 2022

ASF Outbreak in Wild Boar in Italy Shows the Ease of Movement 

Dr. Egan Brockhoff, the Veterinary Counsel with the Canadian Pork Council said discovering African Swine Fever in a wild boar in Italy should remind how easily this virus can move. ASF genotype II appeared in a group of wild boars in northern Italy and new cases continue in wild boar in Germany. This virus, primarily a

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10 02, 2022

Supply Chain Issues Push Opening of Sow Processing Plant to Summer

The skeleton of a new building on the site of the former XL Beef Plant. Work crews continue to transform the former XL Beef Plant into a sow processing plant. Photos by Jason G. Antonio

Supply chain issues have affected the conversion of the former XL Beef Plant into a sow processing plant, which

10 02, 2022

Brachyspira Expected to Lead to New Strategies for Prevention

Researchers with the Western College of Veterinary Medicine have identified the TlyA protein as one factor playing a role in the severity of Brachyspira associated diarrhea in swine. Brachyspira is a common bacteria found in several species, certain strains of which can cause symptoms in pigs ranging from mild diarrhea to severe mucosal hemorrhagic dysentery. Researchers