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9 06, 2022

Charity Big Winner at Saskatchewan Livestock Expo

Smiley Colony awarded 1st & 4th place in porkquality competition. Pictured L-R Kelly Turcotte, Robert Hofer, Josh Hofer and Jason Care judge.

February 13, 2020 was the last time we all gathered in person at Kinetic Park, now fast forward 26 months for the 12th installment of the newly rebranded Saskatchewan Livestock Expo, formally known

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9 06, 2022

Holt Colony Renovates to Get More Meat From Fewer Sows

Holt Colony held a Open House April 5th. David Tschette gives us the full tour.

The “wow” factor pops up around every turn during a tour of the Holt Colony’s newly rebuilt and refitted hog barn. All that remains of the 27-year-old building are the concrete walls sheltering equipment and facilities carefully designed to eliminate problems

9 06, 2022

Hog Prices Are High and So Are Feed Prices So Be Careful Says Hams Marketing Co-op

Hams Marketing Services Co-op Inc. of Winnipeg, MB held four producer meetings across Western Canada in March and April namely one in Alberta, one in Saskatchewan and two in Manitoba.  Bill Alford the general manager said it’s great to be back out there with the meetings once again with the last one held over two

9 06, 2022

The Perfect Storm For the Hog Industry? 

Cam Dahl

Cam Dahl, the general manager of Manitoba Pork said the combined effects of African Swine Fever and COVID, last year’s drought and the invasion of Ukraine had created an almost perfect economic storm for pork producers. Dahl said there are large swings in what farmers get for their product and input costs. First the

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9 06, 2022

Drilling Down on Wild Boars 

Below current occurences all across Canada, as of May 11th, covering 1 million square kilometers. As Dr. Brook stated that is bigger then most Countries.

Those who would downplay the impact of feral pigs on the Canadian Prairies need to take a closer look at the lessons of history, say speakers invited to attend an

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9 06, 2022

From the publishers desk,

 Greetings on a beautiful Alberta spring day, it is +22 and I can hear a hum of the bees outside my office window on a mayday tree.As it says on the front cover, the pork sector has returned to in person events, and what a wonderful thing it is. Almost like family reunions at barn

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7 04, 2022

Classic Pork Sloppy Joe

Ingredients1 lb (500 g) lean ground pork1 cup (250 mL) diced onion1/2 cup (125 mL) diced green pepper1/2 cup (125 mL) ketchup

1/4 cup (60 mL) packed brown sugar2 cloves garlic, minced2 Tbsp (30 mL) chili powder1 Tbsp (15 mL) Worcestershire sauce1 Tbsp (15 mL) soy saucepinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper

Directions1.In large

7 04, 2022


Food Banks Alberta Welcomes Pork From Local FarmersAlberta Pork is pleased to announce a new partnership with Food Banks Alberta. Recently, Alberta’s hog farmers donated five pallets of vacuum-packed fresh pork tenderloin, representing more than 5,000 tenderloins or enough for 15,000 meal portions.“We are beyond grateful for our new partnership with Alberta Pork,” says

7 04, 2022

A Different Kind of Waltz

I have a confession to make. I’m not a good dancer. I can fake my way through a country 2-step, but otherwise, it’s pathetic. Even to some kind of free style with a rock song, it looks like I’m having a conniption.Maybe you can waltz your way across the dance floor as if you

7 04, 2022

Pork Chops

Saskatchewan Livestock ExpoSaskatchewan Livestock Expo, is sold out and will take place Thursday May 12th at Kinetic Exhibition Park in Swift Current, SK from 8:30am – 5pm.For a sneak peek at floor plan and attending exhibitors checkwww.cramereventmanagement.comNew this year hog roast lunch, contact Lisa for tickets and information.Contact Doug Cramer at 306.520.3553 for details