6 10, 2022

Looking Ahead to the Future

The idea that the federal government might be looking to limit fertilizer use on the farm has at best made farmers antsy, if not outright angry.  Recently, Federal agriculture minister Marie-Claude Bibeau stated that farmers need not fear.  Earlier this month she said it’s not about reducing emissions caused by fertilizer, or of limiting the use

6 10, 2022

Farming is Losing to Misguided Urban Politics

Interest groups are weaponizing science to support a narrative that fits their biased view of what farmers should and shouldn’t doMost Canadians have never been on a farm, let alone lived on one, which makes more than 98 per cent of our population agriculturally illiterate. For many Canadians, crop production is an unknown concept. Because

6 10, 2022

RDSTW Jumps Back into the Saddle 

Organizers of the 23rd annual Red Deer Swine Technology Workshop have set the table for their first live presentation since 2019. Cancelled outright in 2020 due to COVID-19 restrictions, the 22nd-annual workshop was put off to 2021, and then held online rather than in person. This year, the workshop is back live on October 19th, returning from

6 10, 2022

On The Edge With Siemens Says

Take all of the gratitude, and find a way to make a differenceSo what will you do this year to express your thankfulness not only on Thanksgiving Day but all year around?Yes, it’s October 10 this year when Canadians officially mark Thanksgiving Day but my question is what does it mean to you? Over

6 10, 2022

Farmers and the “Prove It” Generation

What is a farmer’s relationship with environmental and animal welfare certification programs? Would it be right to say that it’s complicated? On one hand, farmers feel targeted by those in the activist community who reject the realities of modern agriculture. No genetically modified anything. No fertilizer. No pesticides. Small holdings with a few chickens,

6 10, 2022

USDA Funding Demonstrates U.S. Commitment to Foreign Animal Disease Prevention and Control 

The National Pork Producers Council said the allocation of federal funding for African Swine Fever control made a powerful statement about the U.S. commitment to foreign animal disease prevention. In July representatives of the NPPC, the National Pork Board and USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service and Foreign Agricultural Service travelled to the Dominican

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6 10, 2022

It Takes a Community to Feed the World Quality Food and Consistent Delivery

Slicing bread: On July 19, 2022 – the 50th anniversary of CerealsCanada, two ceremonial loaves of Canadian grown, in-house milled and baked bread were cut by CEO Dean Dias and Ag Minister Marie-Claude Bibeau. (Cereals Canada supplied photo) 

The forerunner to Cereal Canada, the Canadian International Grains Institute or CIGI as known to many, started

6 10, 2022

Dr. Carr Speaks Out on Pig Production 

Dr. John Carr a world livestock consultant, veterinarian, and lecturer, living in Brisbane, Australia and no stranger to the hog industry in Canada shared some thoughts personally and business about the world hog industry on a recent The Swine It podcast show with host Dr. Laura Greiner.“Okay. I’m a veterinarian and I love pigs.

6 10, 2022

Feed Grain Prices to Determine Hog Market Profitability This Winter 

Tyler Fulton director of risk management with HAMS Marketing Services said profitability in the swine sector through this winter and into early spring will depend mainly on feed grain prices. Summer – fall is when the cash hog supply tightens due to typical seasonal trends and lower growth performance in the hot weather, especially in

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6 10, 2022

Increasing Work Stresses Hitting Rural Veterinarians 

The Precision Swine Vet Team, based in Red Deer. Photo is from Alberta Pork Congress June 2022.

Your veterinary team is undoubtedly among the most important players in your operation. Its crew of skilled professionals advise and treat, analyze, and adjust to help you help your herd. But who is helping your veterinarian? Earlier this year,