• Alana-and-Ted-KAP
5 04, 2023

Navigating Market Needs Through Sustainable Growing Practices 

Alanna Koch and Ted Menzies

With growing demand from consumers in global markets to understand where their food comes from, farmers are more pressured to respond to this shift in the marketplace.  In introducing a panel at the recent Keystone Agricultural Producers AGM, the value chain as a whole – farmers, processors, and retailers – must

5 04, 2023

‘COOL’ is Back on the Table in the U.S. 

Origin labelling claims on meat and poultry products are again up for discussion in the U.S.  According to media reports and Federal government announcements Canada will firmly oppose U.S. proposals to renew mandatory country-of-origin labelling for pork and beef. The same as in the past because it could cause disruptions to North American livestock supply

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5 04, 2023

There is Bacon Walking Around Our Area Again 

Dead wild pigs on Berrys’ property

Nighttime trail camera footage.

That’s what farmer Chad Berry of Glenboro tweeted back on February 9, 2023, when spotting some wild pigs on his property.  Phil Gervais asked, “Is the meat any good? Or is it like bear meat? The few that I have seen guys shoot, they just garbage it.

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5 04, 2023

Pursuing Full Market Price For Your Pigs 

Dr. John Deen with MSScommittee member Steffen Klenk

Dr. John Deen is a professor in the Department of Veterinary Population Medicine at the University of Minnesota. He is a world-renowned expert in swine health and production, and his research focuses on improving the efficiency and sustainability of pig farming. One of Dr. Deen’s areas of expertise

  • barn-fire
5 04, 2023

Tragic Barn Fire Looses 10,000 Pigs

On Feb. 12, a barn fire near Sturgis, Sask. saw the building destroyed and about 10,000 pigs killed.  No staff were hurt in the blaze.  The Olymel facility near the east-central Saskatchewan community was a finishing facility known as the Kopje barn.  Brad Secundiak Fire Chief with the Sturgis Fire Department which responded to the fire said

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5 04, 2023

Manitoba’s Ag Minister Addresses the Manitoba Swine Industry  

Derek JohnsonManitoba Ag Minister

Derek Johnson Manitoba’s ag minister said managing the pig flow on top of the pandemic, and extreme weather events was a real challenge for hog producers in Manitoba.  Also, droughts and suddenly going to excess moisture from one extreme to the other, but hey, it’s Manitoba. Where else would that happen?  Johnson, speaking

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5 04, 2023

Dr. Carr Goes Back to Ukraine to Help With Troubled Hogs in a Conflict Zone 

Staff Meeting

Barn visit with only light through window as no power.

Dr. John Carr, a world livestock consultant, veterinarian, and lecturer living in Brisbane, Australia, “On February 24,2022 I woke up at 6:45 AM to the hotel shaking, missiles and a bit like a fireworks display.” It took him four days to get out and

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5 04, 2023

Whispering Wind Pork 

Harlequin, the boar

He ambles through a deep pile of hay where his buddies are napping, looking for a little scratch. Shaggy red-brown hair masks his small, black eyes. A prominent row of lower incisors, yellowed and worn, is flanked between scimitar tusks. The nasty teeth, unruly hair and stubby snout give him a maddened

  • lb-willy-shirt
5 04, 2023

From the publishers desk,

Greetings on a beautiful spring day as I am penning this, it is plus 5 outside and birds are chirping in a tree outside my office window.  Now as I have lived in Alberta my whole life, I do know that yes we will still get at least one spring snow storm but the cooler

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  • Darcy
4 04, 2023

Alberta Pork Regional Meeting

If producers took home only one message from Alberta Pork regional meetings held in Mid-March, it likely relates to a slide Chair Brent Moen used to demonstrate how pork value is shared. Pictured on this page is the slide Moen offered, showing how the retailers’ share of pork value has risen continually while the producer