14 02, 2014

Banff Hands Out Awards

Maple Leaf barn manager Helmut Janz of Zhoda, MB said he was working in his office one day recently when two of his staff had to book off to see their doctors.
Both women said they were suffering carpal tunnel injuries from the large number of piglets they were processing every day.
One of them said

14 02, 2014

BPS What Controls Future Production ?

A properly fed world is a more stable world, says Jose Cardenas, Elanco’s director of sales and marketing for Canada and Latin America.
Invited to address delegates at the 2014 Banff Pork Seminar, Cardenas said the first priority for everyone in the room is to play their part in ensuring that the world can produce

14 02, 2014

BPS Who Controls the Value Chain ?

The pork value chain and the perceived impact of human values set the stage for the 41st edition of Banff Pork Seminar.
The two-day session opened with a talk by Dallas Hockman, vice-president of industry relations for the National Pork Producers Council in the United States, balanced against theologist Nelson Kloosterman’s observations on how religion

14 02, 2014

BPS – The News That Canadian Producers Have Been Dreading


Delegates to the 41st Banff Pork Seminar were in the final moments of the last break-out session on the final day. Some were planning to head into the main auditorium for the boar pit – the final words of the seminar. Most were thinking about hitting the road and getting to their next destination

  • LB
14 02, 2014

From the Publisher’s Desk

From the publisher’s desk,

As I am typing this I, like the rest of us in the hog industry, am waiting for the phone to ring or email to ding with updated news of this crazy PED. Last week (from when I am writing this) when in Banff the news broke that the Canadian hog