3 04, 2014

Manitoba Update

Manitoba Update

So far, no new on-farm PEDv cases confirmed in Manitoba.
While Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv) cases continue to explode in the United States, so far, knock on wood, the first case confirmed February 13 on a farm in southeast Manitoba, continues to be the only one.
The Office of Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO) says

3 04, 2014

From the Publisher’s Desk

Greetings! What a crazy industry we all are in. On one hand producers (and industry too) are thrilled with the record breaking prices. However on the other hand all are nervous waiting for the further spread of this nasty disease.

I have said many times that knowledge is key, keeping your staff trained is so

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  • Billy Flowers
14 02, 2014

Banff Pork Seminar Images

  • Screen Shot 2014-02-14 at 12.51.12 AM
14 02, 2014

Click for the Full Recipe: Grilled Pork Steak Parmesan Sandwich

6 Canadian Pork loin chops, boneless
1/2 cup (125 mL) Italian salad dressing
2/3 cup (150 mL) tomato pasta sauce
2 tbsp (30 mL) Parmesan cheese
6 slices French bread

Place Pork in a plastic bag or non-metal sealable container. Pour salad dressing over pork. Seal, refrigerate and marinate 15 minutes or as long as overnight, turning steaks occasionally.

Preheat barbecue on

14 02, 2014



TOPIGS Canada Inc. Adds to Team
TOPIGS Canada announced in January that Glenn Kuhn has
joined its staff as Business Development Representative. Glenn will be based out of the TOPIGS Winnipeg office. In his new role, Glenn will develop sales in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. He will also be responsible for technical support to customers in Western

14 02, 2014

Pork Chops

Cramer Livestock Expo
The fourth installment of the Cramer Crop Livestock Expo will be held February 20th, 2014 at Kinetic Exhibition Park in Swift Current. The show continues to grow each year and will once again feature a Trade Show along with the various Cramer Cup series, hog carcass – forage – egg – canola

  • fresh print
  • Pig trap
  • fruit in pig trap-1
  • kona house
14 02, 2014

Wild pigs jump rock wall to find open space

On a quiet street in the town of Kona on the island of Hawaii, close to the Lutheran church my parents attend during the winter months resides this house. What is so special about this house you may ask. Well it is in front of vacant land and beside reserve space and has a

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  • stu elizabeth harold an
  • stu hog barn
  • stu litter milk cups
14 02, 2014

Milk Does A Great Job

Germany has a huge pig industry, with 2.1 million sows making her the largest producer in Europe. The old East Germany has many large pig units – which were the state farms in the days before the Wall came down. Much further to the west, the area around Lindern — south west of Bremen

14 02, 2014

Federal Government Provides Emergency Access to Vaccine for Hogs

Vaccine will help the pork industry to respond to the threat posed by porcine epidemic diarrhea
Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz announced recently that the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is prepared to issue permits to authorize veterinarians to import the iPED+ vaccine for use in Canadian pig herds.
The manufacturer’s preliminary studies have shown that vaccinated

14 02, 2014

Manitoba’s Response

As the count goes up, and the numbers of farms having the PED virus, obviously the emotions take a hit, and the excitement looking forward, crumbles into outright fear if it hasn’t hit yet.
Aside from all this, the clear message the industry leaders are sending, don’t relax or pull back on the vigilance and