3 04, 2014

WTO Decision on U.S. M-COOL Expected the Summer and What are the Options

There’s so much activity and discussion re PED virus and the new Pig Code that it’s easy to forget the long term effects of the M-COOL in the United States. There are those who believe that packers in Canada actually prefer if the restrictive legislation now ensconced in the U.S. Farm Bill stays as

3 04, 2014

Canadian Pork Producers Gain in the Canada South Korea Free Trade Agreement

This one has been a long time coming, and it looks like a win win for everyone, at least so far. While it still needs ratification, Canada negotiated a free trade agreement with South Korea, and that is a big market.
Over time, the FTA with South Korea will virtually eliminate tariffs on Canadian pork

3 04, 2014

Meyer Says Prices Keep Rising as PED Virus Continues to Keep Pigs From Slaughter

Steve Meyer, of Des Moines, Iowa, president at Paragon Economics, Inc. doesn’t call what is happening in the United States to packing plants because of decreased supplies of pigs because of PED virus, shutting down, but idling at capacity.
“They’re trying to idle a bit of capacity to match the supply of pigs that are

3 04, 2014

Hog Producers Know Pig Codes and the Province May Soften Moratorium in Manitoba

Rick Bergmann, V-C of the Canadian Pork Council and involved in the pig business in Manitoba says of the new and updated Pig Code that codes of practice are nothing new for Canada and for producers in Manitoba.
“Pig producers have had a code of practice for the last 30 years, as time goes on,

3 04, 2014

The New Code a Consensus

Canada’s new code of practice for the care and handling of pigs, released early in March, should be viewed as a consensus and not a compromise, says Darcy Fitzgerald, executive director of Alberta Pork.
Starting in the fall of 2010, a 17-member committee was struck by the National Farm Animal Care Council to revise the

3 04, 2014

Here is One Hog Producer’s Perspective on the Pig Code

Claude Vielfaure of HyLife Foods and a director with the Canadian Pork Council suggests broad public input is a significant factor in the successful update of the Code of Practice for the Care and Handling of Pigs in Canada.
Vielfaure, who took part in the process as an observer, says the participation of such a

3 04, 2014

Canada Has a New Code of Practice for Pigs

The moment finally arrived where Canada now has a new Code of Practice for the care and handling of pigs in Canada.
The National Farm Animal Care Council released the update of the Pig Code, a work that began in 2010 and involved a 17 person code committee represented by pig producers, animal welfare and

3 04, 2014

Advisory: PEDv Present at High Pig-traffic Areas in Manitoba

On March 14, Manitoba Pork Council issued an advisory for Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus (PEDv) at high pig-traffic facilities, including assembly yards, federal packing plants and provincial abattoirs.
Since the beginning of February, Manitoba Agriculture has conducted surveillance testing using environmental samples to detect exposure to the PED virus. Two sets of samples linked to

3 04, 2014

Saskatchewan Update

With the recent confirmation of a clinical case of PEDv in Manitoba, the importance of prevention and mitigation has taken on an even more urgent tone. Sask Pork together with Dr. Betty Althouse, Saskatchewan Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO), CQA Validators/Veterinarians and industry stakeholders, are working closely on the Saskatchewan action plan for PED.
A January

3 04, 2014

Alberta Update

Local food processors are starting to feel the impact of porcine epidemic diarrhea, says the executive director of Alberta Pork.
Darcy Fitzgerald, executive director with Alberta Pork, says processors he spoke with during a conference in Olds, Alta. in mid-March are having trouble finding the supplies of fresh pork they need to make products such