14 08, 2014

Alberta Pork Helps Make Porkapalooza BBQ Festival A BIG Success

We often say the ‘The Pig is Big’ when referring to the popularity of pork but what is even BIGGER were the crowds that turned out for the inaugural Porkapalooza BBQ Festival in Edmonton (June 14-15).
Crowd estimates of 25,000 plus showed up at Hawrelak Park to enjoy the great food, music and the smells

14 08, 2014

Danish Swine Update

Danish Swine Update

Denmark has a long tradition of exporting pigs – back in Victorian times it was in the shape of bacon to feed the growing British population. Nowadays Danish pig meat is of course exported worldwide, but increasingly there is a substantial export trade in breeding pigs and semen. DanAvl, formerly Danbred International,

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14 08, 2014

Swine Manure Applicator Calls For More Open Reporting of PED

Doug Redekop, president and general manager of Steinbach based Precision Pumping, a custom swine manure applicator is calling for more open reporting of PED virus to give those who provide services to the swine industry the best opportunity to avoid spreading the infection.

Under more stringent Manitoba government regulations, the swine manure fertilizer application season

14 08, 2014

On The Edge With Siemens Says

Does government know better than you?
Regulations continue to hit us mere mortals in the pocketbook whether paying for recycling levies like bottles, batteries, containers, carbon plus or minus credits, or outlawing lawn pesticides, and /or making tracing your animals coming and going from your yard or farm mandatory.

I’ve said it before and I’ll

14 08, 2014

Pork Producers Strengthen Bio-security Protocol not Relax with Colder Weather Coming

The chair of Sask Pork, Florian Possberg says pork producers should take advantage of the warm summer temperatures to prepare for a heightened risk of PED virus as the weather begins to turn colder.
In mid-July Saskatchewan’s Chief Veterinary Officer reported a sample taken from a truck in Saskatchewan hauling pigs in Manitoba and Ontario,

14 08, 2014

Warburg Colony Meats Sure to Please

The look on 11-year-old Dakota Sabyan’s face says it best as he takes the first bite from a slice of fresh banana loaf: Pure bliss.

He and his mom are regular shoppers at an on-farm grocery story, opened last year on the Warburg Colony, located just North of Alberta Hwy 39, about 90 km southwest

14 08, 2014

M-COOL Retaliation Could Happen Sooner Than Later

When hog producers and industry representatives get together, especially internationally as they did in Des Moines, IA recently at the World Pork Expo, problems in the industry certainly get discussed, with the M-COOL issue being no exception.
Andrew Dickson, the general manager of Manitoba Pork Council says more Americans recognize the need to resolve Mandatory

14 08, 2014

PED Can Be Eliminated

Dr. Doug McDougald, a leading Ontario swine veterinarian, says he’s confident the province’s hog farmers can eradicate Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea virus, even though it’s probably now on more than 100 farms.
McDougald bases his optimism on the experience of Sunterra Farms, a Canadian company finishing approximately 350,000 pigs in the United States mid-west with most

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14 08, 2014

Barn no Match For  Fire

About 4,500 pigs died when fire swept through a hog barn at the Bentley Hutterite Colony on a Monday morning in early July.

Bentley Fire Chief Todd Gustafson said they got the call about 6:45 a.m. and when the first volunteer firefighters arrived heavy smoke was already billowing from one of two large hog barns

14 08, 2014

The Hog Industry’s Imbalance Between Production and Processing Continues

While the grain markets continue to slide, the hog profits rise, which not a good thing for grain producers, but an excellent thing for the hog industry, but in Manitoba the processing hog numbers dilemma continues.
Andrew Dickson, the general manager of Manitoba Pork says it’s critical to rebuild hog numbers within Manitoba to ensure