9 10, 2014

Farmers Looking to Get Bigger Bang for Their Manure Nutrients Buck

When farmers used stoneboats, horses, and pitchforks to spread their manure on the fields during the winter on snow-covered and frozen fields, much of it would drift anywhere but down to the soil where the plants could use it the next spring.
Once people recognized the fact manure had some real nutrient value, governments and

9 10, 2014

Despite Good Profits in the Hog Business Packers go Begging for Supply and Sask Wants to Accommodate

Hog prices keep hog farmers looking over their collective shoulders somewhat with record highs a few short weeks ago, and now slipping a little lower.
Rolf Penner of Morris, a hog and grain farmer says the corn prices touching on $3 dollars a bushel make for a healthy profit on his pigs, especially the last

9 10, 2014

W5 Video Maybe Doesn’t Show Whole Story

Operators of an assembly yard attached to the Olymel processing plant in Red Deer are jumping in front of a set of videos revealing incidents of animal abuse inside the facility.
“If we have systems and we have procedures that are broken, we will fix them,” Western Hog Exchange Chairman Brent Moen said about video

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9 10, 2014

Dream for European Comes True in Manitoba

His dream was always to farm, so in October of 2011 Jeroen Van Boeckel, a grain and hog farmer – at Stephenfield got his chance at the age of 28 coming to Canada and buying his first 700 sow farrow to finish farm. In Europe, he served customers for a genetics company.

“I was the

9 10, 2014

Canadian Swine Health Intelligence Network Suspends Activities

Maybe the industry needs to ask some serious questions about the work of the Canadian Swine Health Intelligence Network; why isn’t the industry coming forward and for what reasons to support it financially.
CSHIN manager Dr. Chris Byra is encouraging stakeholders within Canada’s pork industry to support resumption of Canada’s national swine health surveillance system.

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9 10, 2014

PED Updates

Swine producers across Canada will learn over the next few months whether the measures taken so far are strong enough to contain and perhaps eliminate porcine epidemic virus.
Since the first Canadian site was confirmed positive late in January, as of press time, the virus has hit 63 farms in Southwestern Ontario, four in Manitoba

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9 10, 2014

The Manitoba Pork Industry Wants Business to Help Sell Hog Expansion

The Manitoba government continues to thwart hog expansion in Manitoba with its stringent and none-bending environmental regulations blaming a good part on farming say farmers.
In attempting to change the minds of local MLA’s to put pressure on the government, Manitoba Pork is asking the business community to get involved in the hog moratorium debate.

4 10, 2014

From the Publisher’s Desk

From the publishers desk,

Good day, as I am typing this once again I find this industry embracing highs and lows at the same time.
On the high or positive side, prices continue to remain solid and according to the recently released USDA hog and pig report breeding numbers rose by over 100,000. Of course that is

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14 08, 2014

Grilled Pork Back Rib Tails “Button Bones”

1/2 cup (125 mL) paprika
1/4 cup (50 mL) garlic salt
1/4 cup (50 mL) brown sugar
2 tbsp (25 mL) ground coriander seed
1 tbsp (15 mL) ground black pepper
1 tbsp (15 mL) ground cumin
1 tbsp (15 mL) chili powder
8 back rib tails – about 3 lb/1.5 kg
2 cups (500 mL) your favourite BBQ sauce

Combine the first

14 08, 2014

Pork Chops

APC AGM & GTBack by popular demand! The Alberta Pork Congress Annual General Meeting will once again be held in conjunction with the Annual Golf Tournament on Thursday September 11th at Trochu Golf & Country Club.Breakfast will be served at 9 am followed by the AGM at which time elections will take place for new