4 12, 2014

Are we Producing too Many Pigs Asks Swine Consultant Paul Meers

The hog industry keeps going through changes and transitions, some good, others better, and some questionable, especially those shifts in market prices and profit and loss statements dictate. There are even some that activists of various stripes convince mainstream pork people to implement.
Paul Meers of Paul Meers Consulting in Smithfield, MO says producers building

4 12, 2014

On The Edge With Siemens Says

Two days go hand in hand
Two important days, events, seasons if you like, go hand in hand in Canada, Thanksgiving and Remembrance. The first one has always stood out in my life, and family because the churches I attended growing up made this out to be such an important event, including inspirational messages on

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4 12, 2014

Farm Safety Day

Safety is always in the back of minds for farmers although sometimes gets forgotten.  At Rock Lake Colony in June it was brought to the fore front of student minds at Progressive Agriculture Farm Safety Day. The day was designed to promote farm safety says co ordinator David Gross. This was the ninth

4 12, 2014

Battling the Hydra

Sent to destroy a nine-headed serpent that had been wreaking havoc on the town of Lerna, Hercules discovered to his dismay that every time he smashed one of its heads, two more would grow in its place.
Hercules was fortunate to have the help of his nephew, Iolaus, who cauterized each head as he smashed

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4 12, 2014

An Outbreak of PEDv in the Ukraine Could be the Start of Major Outbreak in Europe

A PED virus outbreak at several sow farms in the Ukraine could lead to the deaths of 30 to 35 million pigs in Europe and have a major impact on global pig numbers says Worldwide consultant to the animal production industry, Dr. John Carr of England.
In an interview from London, England near the Heathrow

  • steve meyer
4 12, 2014

Steve Meyer on M-COOL PEDv and Hog and Cattle Numbers in the U.S.

In light of the United States Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack is finally realizing there is more to the WTO ruling on M-COOL, after three times coming out on the losing end, others are saying they told the USDA so right from the beginning.
Steve Meyer, president of Paragon Economics says in defence of Mr.

4 12, 2014

Dealing with PED

Alberta’s swine industry continues to hold the PED virus at bay through rigorous sampling at key sites and stringent protocols aimed at stomping the disease out before it takes hold.
But just in case anyone feels the protocols may be a bit too rigid, Alberta Pork confirmed late in October that a positive result had

4 12, 2014

Labour Crisis

Alberta’s tight labour market and the pending exodus of thousands of temporary workers from outside of Canada have set off a case of jitters in the agriculture and processing industries.
By late October, Alberta’s unemployment rate was sitting at 4.5 per cent, which generally means there was a job somewhere for pretty well anyone who

4 12, 2014

U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack Sees the Light

A breakthrough, seeing the light, or simply sitting down and looking at why the WTO sent the Americans packing on their ill-conceived M-COOL, but U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack told farm broadcasters in Kansas City recently regulations won’t fix M-COOL as it now stands.
In a question and answer period recorded and posted by

4 12, 2014

Canada Makes Deals with China

Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Ag minister Gerry Ritz, among others travelled to China recently to do some business between the two countries. Much chattering amongst political commentators and others who care about the benefits and the timing of this trip occurred ahead of the trip.
To see the amount of Ag products, farm commodities,