11 04, 2015

Is Technology a Tool ?

In general terms farmers have been rather open to adopting new technologies. That adoption may not come overnight, but there are always those willing to take the plunge, going back to the first farmers to hang up their horse harness and opt for a tractor.
I am sure there were neighbours who thought them mad

11 04, 2015

WTO Sets M-COOL Appeal as Need to Resolve Builds

It seems as the never ending war on words, in between lawyers, most often sucking millions of dollars from the coffers of livestock association / organizations across Canada continues.
So far it appears at least, the legal companies are the only ones benefiting from the mandatory country-of-origin labelling (M-COOL) battle between the United States government,

11 04, 2015

The WTO Appeal by U.S. For Third Time is Over

Andrew Dickson, the general manager of Manitoba Pork says following the WTO hearing in Geneva while waiting to catch a flight home from Toronto to Winnipeg Saturday afternoon that he’s confident Canada will keep winning on the Mandatory Country of Origin Labelling [M-COOL] case with the United States.
A World Trade Organization appeal panel heard

11 04, 2015

From the Publisher’s Desk

From the publishers desk,

Happy Spring, or at least according to the calendar it is. Looking outside my window while I am typing this I still see some remaining white from our weekend snow storm, however rain and +10 today tells me it will be gone soon enough.
M Cool is still a hot topic in the

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12 02, 2015

Bavarian Schnitzel

Bavarian Schnitzel Ingredients

1 lb (500 g) Canadian Pork Leg Inside, Scallopini or Schnitzel

1 egg

1 tbsp (15 ml) water

2 cups (500 ml) bread crumbs

1 tsp (5 ml) dried thyme, crumbled

1/2 tsp (2 ml) salt

1/4 tsp (1 ml) pepper

1/4 cup (50 ml) all purpose flour

2 tbsp (25 ml) EACH canola oil, butter lemon wedges

Directions: Beat egg

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  • greg-feenstra-dave-uttecht
  • janelle-fouhse
  • lyle-maaike-campbell
12 02, 2015


Banff Pork Seminar Hands out Awards
Two student scientists were announced as winners of the R. O. Ball Young Scientist award at the 2015 Banff Pork Seminar (BPS).
Janelle Fouhse, University of Alberta (left) and Ben Willing of the University of Alberta accepting for first place winner, Natalie May.

The F.X. Aherne Prize for Innovative Pork Production at

12 02, 2015

Pork Chops

Cramer Livestock Expo
Be sure to come out for the Cramer Crop and Livestock Expo. It is back for its fifth consecutive year and will be held Thursday February 19th in Swift Current, SK at Kinetic Park.
The show continues to grow each year, in addition to the one day trade show will feature the Cramer

  • stu arve  swap pen
  • stu double decker
  • stu swap farrowing
  • stu toys
12 02, 2015

Denmark Packs a Big Pig Punch

Denmark only has a population of five million people but as far as pigs are concerned she punches well above her weight, with pig exports both live and dead contributing substantially to the Danish economy and balance of payments.
So to see new developments, Denmark is the place to be at!
The 65th European Association of

12 02, 2015

Manitoba Pork Chair Stepping Down

Karl Kynoch, chair of Manitoba Pork Council, at least until April when he officially steps down sat in that chair during some of the best and most difficult years of the hog industry in Manitoba. It still isn’t anything to write home about, especially here in Manitoba where government regs are stripping the industry

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12 02, 2015

M-COOL Doesn’t do it for Majority of Consumers – but Transparency Does

Dan Murphy is a veteran food-industry journalist and commentator who writes independently in various farm publications.
Recently, in an article in Pork Network, an online hog industry website, Murphy writes about the futility and absolute waste of time and money country of origin labelling really is.
Murphy asks when consumers in the United States pick up