12 02, 2015

Pork Chops

Cramer Livestock Expo
Be sure to come out for the Cramer Crop and Livestock Expo. It is back for its fifth consecutive year and will be held Thursday February 19th in Swift Current, SK at Kinetic Park.
The show continues to grow each year, in addition to the one day trade show will feature the Cramer

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12 02, 2015

Denmark Packs a Big Pig Punch

Denmark only has a population of five million people but as far as pigs are concerned she punches well above her weight, with pig exports both live and dead contributing substantially to the Danish economy and balance of payments.
So to see new developments, Denmark is the place to be at!
The 65th European Association of

12 02, 2015

Manitoba Pork Chair Stepping Down

Karl Kynoch, chair of Manitoba Pork Council, at least until April when he officially steps down sat in that chair during some of the best and most difficult years of the hog industry in Manitoba. It still isn’t anything to write home about, especially here in Manitoba where government regs are stripping the industry

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12 02, 2015

M-COOL Doesn’t do it for Majority of Consumers – but Transparency Does

Dan Murphy is a veteran food-industry journalist and commentator who writes independently in various farm publications.
Recently, in an article in Pork Network, an online hog industry website, Murphy writes about the futility and absolute waste of time and money country of origin labelling really is.
Murphy asks when consumers in the United States pick up

12 02, 2015

On The Edge With Siemens Says

Hashtags, farm meetings and items in file 13
As I sit in the Banff Centre hotel contemplating what to write for this column, several things come to mind.
While still attending a few key farm meetings and conventions, it is certainly not possible for me to attend the shear numbers I did when back as a young

12 02, 2015

Prairie Swine Centre Testing Future of Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology – it’s a word most people became familiar with while watching science fiction movies, but it’s become a modern reality. But what exactly is it? And how can it help push the pork industry forward into a new future? That’s precisely what the Prairie Swine Centre wanted to discover with a recent research

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12 02, 2015

Jurgen Preugschas says the Weaker Loonie Helps us to Compete

After seven lean years as a hog producer and making some changes going forward it is good to see some big profits returning to the pig business, says past chair of the Canadian Pork Council and an Alberta mixed farmer.
Jurgen Preugschas, farming since 1970, says following seven lean years in the pig business, he

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12 02, 2015

Accolades and Kudos for Hog Industry

Rick Bergmann of Steinbach, MB who is the new chair for the Canadian Pork Council says key highlights of 2014 are substantial improvements in profitability, significant developments on the trade front, major advances in biosecurity and animal health.
Some coin 2014 as maybe the best year Manitoba hog producers have ever had, but that is

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12 02, 2015

Ramping up Biosecurity in the Hog Business is Good -Lack of Financing to Expand Isn’t

The Banff Pork seminar 2015, like the previous 43 years is a place to flush out the facts and the emotions in one way or the other.
Biosecurity is at the top of the list for everyone inside the industry and those on the outside looking in, who sometimes make contact with those on the

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  • 3-#1 Aspenheim
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12 02, 2015

The Hog Carcass Competition is a Win Win for Everyone

There was a time where the hog carcass competition during hog and poultry days alternating between Brandon and Winnipeg, wasn’t nearly as important to the industry and the winners as in later years.

In 2014, changing it from Hog and Poultry Days to the Prairie Livestock Expo, and a brand new venue saw thousands of