14 08, 2015

There’s Value in Exchange

Scott Peters, chair of Manitoba Pork’s public relations committee says a recent visit by staff of the U.S. Senate and House Agriculture Committees provided an opportunity to showcase agriculture in the province and discuss key issues.
On June 30, Manitoba Pork hosted a tour organized by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, in partnership with the Canadian

14 08, 2015

The M-COOL Saga Continues, but at the Highest Level

The M-COOL battle rages as two different bills reached the United States Senate floor late July. Legislation introduced on July 24 by Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts, R-Kan., would repeal country of origin labeling requirements for beef, pork and poultry and stave off trade retaliation from Canada and Mexico, a move hailed by

14 08, 2015

From the Publishers’ Desk

From the publishers desk,

As I am typing this I am reminded how big the country of Canada is and how in it the weather varies. The county that I live in has filed for disaster relief because of drought, many close by are in the same boat. But when speaking to a fellow from Manitoba yesterday

5 06, 2015


Manitoba Pork Council
Welcomes new Chair
Recently the Board of Directors elected Stonewall area pork producer George Matheson as its new chair, replacing retiring chair Karl Kynoch.
Matheson, who joined Manitoba Pork as a delegate in 1997, says, in light of the Manitoba government’s relaxation of restrictions on new hog barn construction, his priorities will include increasing

5 06, 2015

Pork Chops

Alberta Pork Congress
The 41st annual Alberta Pork Congress will be held at Westerner Park in Red Deer Alberta June 9 – 11, 2015.
For exhibitors swine and cheese will be on the trade show floor Tuesday June 9th from 6 – 8.
The trade show floor will be open Wednesday June 10th from 9- 4:30. In

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5 06, 2015

VIV ASIA Welcomes Thousands

This biennial event is held in Bangkok in March at the downtown BITEC centre. A few years ago rumour had it that the event would have to relocate due to size constraints to a larger, but less accessible venue, but a new extension is rising rapidly and so the centre will be able to

5 06, 2015

Producers from across Canada met to shape the future of the industry and address challenges and opportunities for the next year

The Canadian Pork Council (CPC) held a successful spring meeting in Ottawa recently to update members on its key initiatives. Producers from across Canada met for a full day of sessions to help shape the future of the industry and address the many challenges and opportunities for the next year.
Participants discussed the state of

5 06, 2015

On The Edge With Siemens Says

This is what M-COOL is all about
Despite what some say, Canada’s minister of agriculture makes the rounds and most often does the job and is in it long enough to make the rounds more than once.
Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz concluded his second agricultural mission to Turkey where he participated in the G20 ministerial agricultural

5 06, 2015

Saskatchewan’s Ag Minister Says They Will Look After Their Animals

Whether rightfully or wrongfully animals are getting protection through legislation often dictated by those who don’t have the industry at heart but mostly the animals’ welfare at heart.
In Saskatchewan, already in effect since April 1, a newly formed Saskatchewan humane society will take over the enforcement of Saskatchewan’s Animal Protection Act.
Earlier this year the

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5 06, 2015

Raspberry Peppercorn Tenderloin



1 Canadian Pork Tenderloin, well trimmed, about 12 oz/375g
3 tbsp 50 ml raspberry jam
1 tbsp 15 ml coarsely cracked pink peppercorns(or black pepper)


Place raspberry jam and tenderloin in a resealable plastic bag or non-metal container for a minimum 30 minutes or overnight. Place peppercorns on a large dinner plate. Remove the tenderloin from the bag and roll onto