14 08, 2015

Wild Boar Movement Reporting Now Mandatory Under Health of Animals Act

Regulations under Canada’s Health of Animals Act that took effect just over one year ago for producers of domestic swine now apply to producers of farmed wild boar.
Since July of last year federal regulations have required both the shipper and receiver of domestic swine to report movements to the PigTrace Canada database and those

14 08, 2015

On The Edge With Siemens Says: Culture and information exchange between farmers in Canada and Paraguay

On July 29, we left for the Chaco, Paraguay as guests of the Menno Colony where I will do eight farm presentations, Judith will hold several health staff round table discussions, and I will preach one message in the Menno Colony Mennonite Conference church, our original contact and host for that weekend, Elmer Kehler

14 08, 2015

Prairies Prospective

When you live on the Canadian Prairies you tend to have a rather narrow view of what agriculture means here.
Alberta is thought of as the land of ranches and cattle.
Saskatchewan still holds onto the idea of being the bread basket of the world because of wheat.
And so on it has gone through the years.

14 08, 2015

Being Vigilant and Having a Plan Has Helped Alberta Face PED

Alberta’s vigilance over biosecurity has protected its pork market, but producers and transporters still can’t let their guard down.
When porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) hit Canada last year, most of the cases occurred in Ontario, with a few in Quebec, Manitoba and PEI. But it has yet to spread across the Alberta boundary.
“It’s really you

14 08, 2015

Thunder Creek Pork Has Open House to Provides Transparency

There was a time when farmers, ag suppliers, processors, it didn’t really matter who and what, weren’t that keen on showing the public what and how they produce their food. Why, because they had refined their business, shop, barn or feedlot, and / or feedlot, or the like.
Today the pendulum keeps swinging in the

14 08, 2015

Fines For Failing to Report Live Hog Movement in Canada Are Imminent

Jeff Clark, the manager of PigTrace Canada, says fines for failing to report movements of live hogs could come into effect as early as later this year.
Rolf Penner, a grain, special crops, and hog farmer at Morris, MB, isn’t surprised. When the pork industry introduced the program and made it mandatory, Penner then wasn’t

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14 08, 2015

Tell The World

Nobody wants to get into a shouting match, but you do have to speak to be heard. The Canadian pork industry is falling behind its nay-sayers in public perception, and producers need to get back in the game soon, says Brent Moen, chairman of the Western Hog Exchange (WHE). Moen, who received the Elanco

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14 08, 2015

Reputation Really Does Matter


Alfred Wahl, who received the 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award at this year’s Pork Congress, has been involved with improving pig breeds in Canada for his entire career. His work in Canada has led to exporting swine genetics around the world, where success can turn suddenly into failure at the drop of a reputation.
Wahl, who

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14 08, 2015

41st Alberta Pork  Congress a Success

Cautious optimism” was the summary of producers’ attitudes at the 2015 Alberta Pork Congress in Red Deer. Board vice-president Kurt Preugschas said that was his feedback after the first day of the “super-busy” event.

“Over the years this has become a smaller event,” he said, noting that the shift away from small family operations has

14 08, 2015

Passage of TPA Expected to Speed Up Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations

While Mexico and Canada wrangle with the United States on M-COOL through the World Trade Organization, the U.S. passes the Trade Promotion Authority where it appears all farm commodity groups are falling over each other in happiness and appeasement.
Why not fix one before going on to another says one industry and trade observer. That