7 10, 2015

Canadian Producers Adapt and Americans Well Positioned

Veterinarian Dr. Leigh Rosengren – Rosengren Epidemiology Consulting from Saskatchewan says Canadian livestock producers are incredibly responsible when it comes to the use of antibiotics in animals raised for food.
By the end of 2016 U.S. pork Producers will be required to discontinue the use for growth promotion of antibiotics used in human medicine and

7 10, 2015

How Canada Licked the PED Virus

When the PED virus broke out in the United States in May of 2013, it gave the Canadian pig industry eight months to get ready for the inevitable – testing positive for the first case in Canada.
This dreaded bombshell dropped right during the Boar Pit Session, the conclusion to another successful Banff Pork Seminar

7 10, 2015

Canadian Pig Code of Practice Reflects Producers’ High Standard of Animal Care

While some may think it is going overboard to appease a certain faction of the consumer groups, others think it’s the thing to do to make sure farmers always give the utmost of care to their animals, while showing others the proof is in the pudding.
Dickson Gould, the chair of the Canadian Pork Council’s

7 10, 2015

Another WTO Hearing re – M-COOL

Representatives from Manitoba Pork, Ontario Pork and the Canadian Pork Council (CPC) attended the World Trade Organization (WTO) arbitration hearing on the U.S. country of origin labelling (COOL) law in Geneva in September. A delegation from the Canadian government presented evidence to the WTO panel of the damage caused to the Canadian livestock industry

7 10, 2015

CFIA Border Decision Raises Threat of PEDv Return to Manitoba

When an industry works so hard to keep a devastating disease from entering into their country, province, trucks, and premises, it doesn’t make much sense when government reverts back to old ways, say the swine industry people in Canada.
According Manitoba Pork’s weekly news alert, Pork Chops, on August 24, 2015, the Canadian Food Inspection

7 10, 2015

From the Publisher’s Desk

From the publishers desk,

As I am typing this I am sitting the Las Vegas airport waiting to board a flight home after a fun filled few days. In honour of my in-laws 50th Anniversary they took us on a trip.
Thanksgiving is a short two weeks from when I am typing this, and I am

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14 08, 2015

Grilled Mango and Pork

Grilled Mango and Pork – Spinach Salad


1 lb (500 g) Canadian Pork Loin or Shoulder Blade

Roast or Chops, boneless, well trimmed

3 tbsp (45 ml) canola oil, divided

22 firm ripe mangos

1/2 cup (125 ml) orange juice

1/4 cup (50 ml) lemon juice

1/4 tsp (1 ml) EACH salt and ground black pepper

8 cups (2 l) packed spinach leaves,


14 08, 2015


Banff Pork Seminar
appoints new Coordinator

The Banff Pork Seminar has a fresh face coordinating the 2016 event. Ashley Steeple has been appointed to the position of Coordinator.
A leading seminar of its kind in the world, the Banff Pork Seminar is one of the longest running events supporting knowledge and progress for the pork industry. The

14 08, 2015

Pork Chops

Red Deer Swine Tech
Planning has begun for the 2015 Red Deer Swine Technology Workshop. Mark your calendars for Wednesday October 21st in Red Deer at the Sheraton.
Some topics include: Antibiotic benchmark and resistance; Animal welfare audits; Understanding date; Foreign worker programs; Pain mitigation and the Code of Practice plus others.
Registration is $80 each, or

  • chan yutea
  • hok finishers
  • hok weaners
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14 08, 2015

Pig Farming, Cambodia Style

Tourism is big business in Cambodia and visitors naturally have to eat, and pork is a popular dish on most menus. In addition, as the standard of living increases in the country more pork is eaten by the local population.
Cambodia has a pretty small pig industry, with around 200,000 sows. Small family operations –