• brent moen and Elanco sponsor
14 08, 2015

Tell The World

Nobody wants to get into a shouting match, but you do have to speak to be heard. The Canadian pork industry is falling behind its nay-sayers in public perception, and producers need to get back in the game soon, says Brent Moen, chairman of the Western Hog Exchange (WHE). Moen, who received the Elanco

  • alfred wahl and nutrition partners rep
14 08, 2015

Reputation Really Does Matter


Alfred Wahl, who received the 2015 Lifetime Achievement Award at this year’s Pork Congress, has been involved with improving pig breeds in Canada for his entire career. His work in Canada has led to exporting swine genetics around the world, where success can turn suddenly into failure at the drop of a reputation.
Wahl, who

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14 08, 2015

41st Alberta Pork  Congress a Success

Cautious optimism” was the summary of producers’ attitudes at the 2015 Alberta Pork Congress in Red Deer. Board vice-president Kurt Preugschas said that was his feedback after the first day of the “super-busy” event.

“Over the years this has become a smaller event,” he said, noting that the shift away from small family operations has

14 08, 2015

Passage of TPA Expected to Speed Up Trans-Pacific Partnership Negotiations

While Mexico and Canada wrangle with the United States on M-COOL through the World Trade Organization, the U.S. passes the Trade Promotion Authority where it appears all farm commodity groups are falling over each other in happiness and appeasement.
Why not fix one before going on to another says one industry and trade observer. That

14 08, 2015

There’s Value in Exchange

Scott Peters, chair of Manitoba Pork’s public relations committee says a recent visit by staff of the U.S. Senate and House Agriculture Committees provided an opportunity to showcase agriculture in the province and discuss key issues.
On June 30, Manitoba Pork hosted a tour organized by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, in partnership with the Canadian

14 08, 2015

The M-COOL Saga Continues, but at the Highest Level

The M-COOL battle rages as two different bills reached the United States Senate floor late July. Legislation introduced on July 24 by Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts, R-Kan., would repeal country of origin labeling requirements for beef, pork and poultry and stave off trade retaliation from Canada and Mexico, a move hailed by

14 08, 2015

From the Publishers’ Desk

From the publishers desk,

As I am typing this I am reminded how big the country of Canada is and how in it the weather varies. The county that I live in has filed for disaster relief because of drought, many close by are in the same boat. But when speaking to a fellow from Manitoba yesterday

5 06, 2015


Manitoba Pork Council
Welcomes new Chair
Recently the Board of Directors elected Stonewall area pork producer George Matheson as its new chair, replacing retiring chair Karl Kynoch.
Matheson, who joined Manitoba Pork as a delegate in 1997, says, in light of the Manitoba government’s relaxation of restrictions on new hog barn construction, his priorities will include increasing

5 06, 2015

Pork Chops

Alberta Pork Congress
The 41st annual Alberta Pork Congress will be held at Westerner Park in Red Deer Alberta June 9 – 11, 2015.
For exhibitors swine and cheese will be on the trade show floor Tuesday June 9th from 6 – 8.
The trade show floor will be open Wednesday June 10th from 9- 4:30. In

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5 06, 2015

VIV ASIA Welcomes Thousands

This biennial event is held in Bangkok in March at the downtown BITEC centre. A few years ago rumour had it that the event would have to relocate due to size constraints to a larger, but less accessible venue, but a new extension is rising rapidly and so the centre will be able to