• Bogdan_Slominski,_University_of_Manitoba.1docx
  • Spring Creek Colony
7 10, 2015

What’s New in Feed Technology ?

Three trends to watch that benefit 
swine operations

The big value of feed technology is getting “more out of every bite” from livestock diets.
Today with advances in science there are more options and different types of benefits than ever before. The best feed technology is like a jack knife – there’s a lot it can

  • PHC - Bruce - 1-1
7 10, 2015

Manitoba Holds Farm and Food Awareness Week

In Manitoba, the province declared the week of Sept 20 – 26 as the first-ever Farm and Food Awareness Week celebrating agriculture and locally-produced food.

This is a start of a number of things, but really, this is about growing and retaining the food business, and by finalizing the food processing sector to reach Manitoba’s

7 10, 2015

On The Edge With Siemens Says

Each farmer, food producer has a responsibility – And ours do it well
The week of September 21 to 26 was Farm and Food Awareness Week in Canada. A great time for various institutions, farms and others involved in the production of food to highlight this very basic industry.
For nigh on 43 years, my goal

7 10, 2015

PED Containment Highly Successful in Canada – Winter, a Benchmark  for Americans

While deadly for baby piglets, the containment of the PED virus is quite doable if done right. In the United States, the American Association of Swine Veterinarians expects the winter of 2015 to be a benchmark period in terms of understanding what the future will look like from a PED standpoint.
The incidence of Porcine

7 10, 2015

Palatability Key to Maximizing Feed Intake When Weaning Piglets

Dr. Denise Beaulieu, a research scientist with the Prairie Swine Centre says the palatability of rations is a key factor in maximizing feed intake when transitioning young piglets from mother’s milk to solid feed.
Because the gastrointestinal tract of the piglet at weaning is so small, it is important to balance the rations carefully to

7 10, 2015

B.C. Pork Producers Endorse PED Bio-containment Plan

With more and more disease outbreaks and more demands from so-called consumer groups, organizations across the country keep moving to more regulations and plans to ensure safety and appease those who call for it.
Heather Carriere, the manager of B.C. Pork’s PED Response Project says all of the province’s pork producers have now endorsed a

7 10, 2015

The Cycle Keeps Spinning in the Hog Industry

There are things that simply don’t make sense but when one segment of a larger system misuses and abuses the rules, often for the greater good, the powers that be penalize the whole system.
Case in point with the vacant meat processing jobs, climbing hog numbers cutting into profits and maybe putting some hog producers

7 10, 2015

United States Hog Inventory up Four Per Cent

United States inventory of all hogs and pigs on September 1, 2015 was 68.4 million head, up four per cent from September 1, 2014, and up two per cent from June 1, 2015. This is the highest inventory of all hogs and pigs since quarterly United States estimates began in 1988.
Breeding inventory, at 5.99

7 10, 2015

Federal Election Candidates Don’t Lose Sight of the Importance of Farming to the Economy

There is an election campaign happening in Canada and various farm organizations and some of their spokespeople are telling the political parties running candidates, their leaders, and anyone else who cares, ‘take heed – farming is important, too’.
Tom Teichroeb, a cattle rancher at Langruth, MB says Conservatives, NDP, and Liberals where is the agricultural

7 10, 2015

Positive Signs for Hog Farmers in Canada

While the weaker Canadian dollar gives farmers less purchasing power, the stronger U.S. dollar puts more money into the farmer’s’ pockets when he sells his commodities, whether grain, special crops or livestock into the U.S. market and / or based off the Chicago markets.
Steve Meyer, the vice president for pork analysis with EMI Analytics