• Temple Grandin
  • Michael McCain
  • Top Tutor - Temple Grandin andAnita Ahiney Laryea
11 02, 2016

Getting the Word Out

Use their tools, speak their language and address their values, says a leading animal welfare specialist invited to address the 2016 Banff Pork Seminar.

Colorado State University professor Temple Grandin, internationally renowned for her leading-edge work in animal welfare, said the general state of food animals across North American has improved immensely during the last

  • 01.14.16. BPS - steve-brandt
  • sam-gelowitz
11 02, 2016

Teaching and Training Biosecurity Vital in the Growth of Steve’s Livestock Transport

Started in 1987 by a young entrepreneur, Steve Brandt, with a single truck and trailer, Steve’s Livestock Transport today is the largest commercial livestock carrier in North America and a leader in the transportation industry.

Each week, their fleet of 130 power units is out on the road, transporting more than 2,500 head of cattle

7 02, 2016

From the publishers desk,

Well here we are at the beginning of another year, a very exciting year for Prairie Hog Country indeed. As 2016 marks the 20th Anniversary in publishing, it seems our grass roots style of publication has found a niche. Producers and fellow industry tell me on a regular basis that they like the style

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26 11, 2015

What’s Happening in France? SPACE Show is a Good Indicator

September for the French livestock industry means it is SPACE show time and with Brittany being the hub of this farming sector – 60 per cent of France’s 1.1 million sows are located in Brittany – many attendees don’t have too far to travel. Most of the national and international trade fairs moved to

26 11, 2015

Return of an Old Virus

Producers across Canada are warned to watch for the recurrence of an old virus that has started cropping up in northern regions of the United States.
Incidents of Seneca Valley virus, which mimics foot and mouth disease, have been showing up in the northern areas of the Midwest, near the US-Canada border, Red Deer swine

26 11, 2015

Nigh Impossible in MB, SK Encourages it Building Hog Barns

Rules and regulations stacked upon each other as it pertains to building new hog barns in Manitoba to circumvent a horrendous moratorium that’s leaving the big Maple Leaf Foods plant in Brandon short of hogs every week are disgusting.
However, the organization that keeps fighting for itself, Manitoba Pork is still hopeful the first applications

26 11, 2015

National Sow Housing Conversion Project

With last year’s improved market conditions, the need to upgrade aging barn infrastructure and the added push from the Canadian code of practice for pigs, many producers are considering converting their existing stall barns to group gestation housing. With increasing market demands for ‘stall-free’ pork some producers may also see this as a way

26 11, 2015

Farm Safety and Some Common Sense, Getting Back to Basics

If the number of people turning up for fall meetings can be considered an indicator, then optimism and a keen eye to the future are rising among Alberta’s pork producers and processors.

The 17th-annual Red Deer Swine Technology Workshop on Oct. 21 broke its attendance record with 279 people registered, while Alberta Pork’s Annual General meeting in

26 11, 2015

Agriculture Looking Forward with the new Liberal Government

Some with absolute glee and others with kind congratulatory good wishes, while still other farm organizations outlining their own specific sector needs going forward as the no-experience left-leaning Justin Trudeau government takes over.
“We look forward to working with the Liberals in advancing the interests of prairie farmers,” said Levi Wood, president of the Wheat

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26 11, 2015

Caution is the Word Re-keeping PED Out

So far so good, but winter is just around the corner and the hog industry needs to once again pick up its diligence to make sure the awesome bio-security system once again holds off PED virus.

Mark Fynn, the manager of animal health and welfare programs with Manitoba Pork says stepped attention to transportation bio-security