26 11, 2015

National Sow Housing Conversion Project

With last year’s improved market conditions, the need to upgrade aging barn infrastructure and the added push from the Canadian code of practice for pigs, many producers are considering converting their existing stall barns to group gestation housing. With increasing market demands for ‘stall-free’ pork some producers may also see this as a way

26 11, 2015

Farm Safety and Some Common Sense, Getting Back to Basics

If the number of people turning up for fall meetings can be considered an indicator, then optimism and a keen eye to the future are rising among Alberta’s pork producers and processors.

The 17th-annual Red Deer Swine Technology Workshop on Oct. 21 broke its attendance record with 279 people registered, while Alberta Pork’s Annual General meeting in

26 11, 2015

Agriculture Looking Forward with the new Liberal Government

Some with absolute glee and others with kind congratulatory good wishes, while still other farm organizations outlining their own specific sector needs going forward as the no-experience left-leaning Justin Trudeau government takes over.
“We look forward to working with the Liberals in advancing the interests of prairie farmers,” said Levi Wood, president of the Wheat

  • Dec PHC - 1 (3)
26 11, 2015

Caution is the Word Re-keeping PED Out

So far so good, but winter is just around the corner and the hog industry needs to once again pick up its diligence to make sure the awesome bio-security system once again holds off PED virus.

Mark Fynn, the manager of animal health and welfare programs with Manitoba Pork says stepped attention to transportation bio-security

26 11, 2015

Getting Hog Barn Building Permit Complex is Could Take up to a Year or More

Since the Manitoba NDP government placed a moratorium on new hog barns and stopped the expansion of older ones, and the hog industry tanked financially, there’s been virtually no building or even renovating going on.
However, Manitoba Pork is hopeful the first applications for permits to build new or expand existing hog barns under a

  • Alastair Bratton
26 11, 2015


The stellar organizers behind Red Deer’s 17th-annual Swine Technology Workshop revved it up a bit this year with shorter presentations and pop quizzes.

No worries for those with less than stellar memories of their school years; the quizzes involved a set of multiple-choice polls posed throughout the day that participants could answer on their cellphones.

26 11, 2015

Keep Telling the Food Story with Properly Funded Research

Swine Innovation Porc, a national organization created to facilitate research on behalf of Canada’s pork industry has released its 2014 2015 annual report. This organization conducts the research through a national partnership involving the pork industry, government, and researchers is focusing on ensuring consumers will continue to choose pork.
While funded in part by the

26 11, 2015

The Bigger the Trade Deal Better Off we are

Following the previous governments inking a deal as part of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), accolades kept flowing in for the federal government as to how it will help processors, exporters and producers in Canada.
Claude Vielfaure, the vice-president of Hylife says Canada’s participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership will help maintain his company’s competitiveness in Japan, while

  • Mark Chambers
26 11, 2015

Gaining Access to Foreign Workers

Hiring Canadians is far easier – and cheaper – than seeking help from overseas, says a human resources manager for a Central Alberta hog farm.

However, Canadians simply are not applying for the jobs available, says Denise Ormond of Partners in Pork Farms near Rimbey.
Partners in Pork has therefore relied heavily on foreign workers during

  • Dec PHC - 1 (4)
26 11, 2015

PED Research Continues to Lead the Way

When the PED virus hit Canada back in 2014, the veterinarians and total animal health field plus the industry itself took the experience gained during the eight-month lead time from when it first hit the pig industry in the United States and put it to good use.
Research continues across the industry and country to