7 04, 2016

Time to Start Financing New Hog Barn Infrastructure, But do it Right

Andrew Dickson, the general manager of Manitoba Pork says the financial institutions are expressing an interest in providing the capital to renew the province’s pork production infrastructure.

In April 2015, the Manitoba Government launched a pilot project under which pork producers could apply for permits to build new or expand existing swine barns. Dickson says

7 04, 2016

Farm Labour Update

Alberta’s unusually high unemployment rate is bringing a few new staff out to the farms and processors, but a long-term fix still swings on improving the federal government’s Temporary Foreign Workers Program (TFWP).

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberals announced in February that a committee will be struck to review the program in light of ongoing

  • 02.03.16. Farm - MSS Needle-free panel
7 04, 2016

Needle-free in Pig Vaccination Assures Needle-free Roasts

Dr. Karine Talbot, the Director of Animal Health with Hylife told hog producers at the February 2016 Manitoba Swine Seminar despite the increased cost, the decision to move from needles to needle-free injection is well worth the investment.

In 2010, in an effort to eliminate the risk of broken needles in meat, Hylife began converting

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7 04, 2016

One Hand Handle Hogs With Care, on the Other Don’t Spread Disease When Moving Hogs

It appears the days of the frozen ears and tails of pigs moving thousands of miles in minus cold winter temperatures and strong icy north winds are all but over.

Dr. Max Propp, a veterinarian with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency says Canadian livestock producers and transporters share the CFIA’s commitment to the humane transport

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7 04, 2016

Suncrest Colony hosts farmers and industry reps at hog barn open house

Suncrest Colony near Steinbach, MB celebrated the opening of the first new barn in Manitoba in the last seven years on March 4.

Jim Long, the president of Genesus Genetics says what makes the opening truly extras costs more money.ordinary is the fact the new Suncrest sow barn is the first new sow barn in

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7 04, 2016

Pork Nuggets


1 lb (500 g) Canadian Pork Tenderloin, or Pork Loin Centre Chops, boneless

1/2 cup (125 ml) orange marmalade or apricot jam

2 tbsp (25 ml) soy sauce

1/2 tsp (2 ml) ground ginger

1/4 tsp (1 ml) garlic powder

1-1/2 cups (375 ml) corn flakes

Cooking spray



Cut pork into small chunks. In a large resealable plastic bag, combine marmalade

7 04, 2016


Connect OnFarm Celebrates Two Plus Years of Strong Business Growth

A new company with fresh approaches based on grass roots farmer relationships is blazing a new trail across the livestock feed business. Connect OnFarm, based in Lethbridge, Alta., has surpassed the milestone of two years in business and has enjoyed a strong run of increasing

7 04, 2016

From the publishers desk,

Happy Easter. Yes I know by the time this issue hits the street and the web Easter has passed, but I’m typing it on Saturday of the Easter weekend. I do hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend with family and friends.

Included within in this edition is coverage from the Manitoba Swine Seminar.

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7 04, 2016

Perry Mohr, gm of H@MS Marketing Services Retires …

When Perry Mohr, the retiring general manager of h@MS Marketing Services started in the hog business 28 years, the Manitoba Hog Marketing Board had 3,100 hog producers delivering hogs for marketing. Today, the number of hog producers h@MS serves is 144 across Western Canada.

“We don’t represent every producer in Manitoba, Saskatchewan, or Alberta, but

7 04, 2016

Canadian Ractopamine-Free Pork Certification Program

Beware Canadian pork producers – Comply with the Canadian Ractopamine-Free Pork Certification Program because of much more closely monitoring in the future.

The Canadian pork industry drives the Canadian Ractopamine-Free Pork Certification Program to assure international customers their pork is free of Ractopamine.

Dr. Egan Brockhoff, a swine veterinarian in Alberta says producers need to be