9 06, 2016

Renovating Hog Barns Can Cost One Million Dollars

At the recent AGM of the Manitoba Pork Council much discussion centered on where is the hog industry going and how.

Mike Teillet, the manager of sustainable development with Manitoba Pork says they’re received the first applications under a pilot project that will allow the construction of new hog barns in Manitoba.

Going back to April

9 06, 2016

A Marketing Fiasco

The marketing fiasco in which a Canadian restaurant chain tried switching to Kansas beef is a fresh lesson for all livestock producers, says the chairman of Alberta Pork.

The operators of Earls restaurants did a swift backtrack earlier in spring after suffering a backlash from Canadian consumers – ranchers and foodies alike – who were

9 06, 2016

The Swearing in of a New Government Gives me Room for Optimism

I took the opportunity as a media representative to attend the recent swearing in ceremony of the Brian Pallister, PC Manitoba government at the Canadian Human Rights Museum. First off, southern Manitoba has a number of ministers of this new Pallister government, Cam Friesen, [Winkler Morden] finance minister, Kelvin Goertzen [Steinbach], minister of health,

  • Gerry Ritz hat
9 06, 2016

Ritz on Washing Trucks Carrying Pigs into the U.S.

The issue of washing trucks carrying live pigs into the United States, visiting farms and then coming back to Manitoba isn’t going away.

The Western Canadian Swine Health Alliance keeps asking Canada’s agriculture minister over the suspension of an emergency protocol designed to keep PED out of Canada.

Effective May 2, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency

9 06, 2016

Let’s Use Science to Determine Where to Place New Hog Barns

In a candid interview with Andrew Dickson, general manager of Manitoba Pork talks about the effects of the United States removing M-COOL for pigs and cattle moving from Canada and Mexico into the U.S., and how the new PC government will handle further pig expansion in Manitoba, slow on COOL and positive on pig

  • 04.13.16. Farm - Bill Tentinger, Iowa pork
9 06, 2016

M-COOL Gone, Now is the Time For us to Reach Across the Border Says an American Hog Producer

At the annual meeting of the Manitoba Pork Council, four men representing the hog in the midwestern U.S. told Manitoba hog producers it’s time to step up pig movement between the two countries.

While beneficial to hog producers in Manitoba to ship weanlings to producers in the U.S., and finished pigs to up and coming

9 06, 2016

PEDv Found in Manitoba Sow Barn

The dreaded ‘V’ word and PED virus came up once again in Manitoba, but according to Manitoba Pork’s general manager, Andrew Dickson, so far, it is one isolated case, but vigorous testing continues at time of this writing.

On May 26, Manitoba’s Office of the Chief Veterinarian (CVO) received positive test results for PEDv from

  • 01. Corey Penner
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  • getting washed States side
9 06, 2016

All the Pig Industry Wants is a Protocol to Guarantee a Thorough Wash and Disinfecting

In Question Period in the House of Commons in Ottawa recently Chris Warkentin, the Conservative Ag critic asked the Minister of Agriculture, Lawrence MacAulay if he would help Canadian pork producers stop a virus or keep it out that has killed eight million pigs in the United States over the last number of years.

9 06, 2016

From the publishers desk,

Greetings on a bright and sunny afternoon, on the day I am typing this.

We have for sure had unique weather this spring and are reminded how we are at the mercy of Mother Nature. All you have to do is think of the over 85,000 that had to flee their homes, some with almost

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17 04, 2016

Suncrest Colony Opens New Hog Barn in Manitoba

The first new hog barn in the last seven years held an Open House on March 4, at the Suncrest Colony just off the intersection of highways 59 and 52 near Steinbach, MB.

Colony Hog Boss Bob Kleinsasser describes it as an 800 sow farrow to 80 pounds using open group housing with 125 sows