6 10, 2016

How to Develop the Next Government Food Programs

The more programs governments develop, the more farmers depend on them, and becomes inherently more important for the powers that be, governments, stakeholders, farmers, and those who develop those policies to get it right.

Years ago, when the first European farmers first came to Canada, many came because they were tired of farming paper. Those

6 10, 2016

Hog Prices Going in the Wrong Direction A Preview of Alberta Pork AGM

An unprecedented crash in meat prices will top the agenda when Alberta Pork calls members together for its Annual General Meeting in Calgary on Nov. 9.

“We’re going to be facing some pretty steep challenges come our AGM date, mostly on pricing, because right now, the futures are looking very poor and our producers are

6 10, 2016

Too Much Rain Causes Mycotoxin Concerns

There’s a big crop coming off in Canada and the United States, but here in Western Canada, while big the moisture has played some havoc with quality.

Dr. Denise Beaulieu, an Assistant Professor in Monogastric Nutrition with the University of Saskatchewan says, while harvested grain contaminated by low levels of Deoxynivalenol (DON) can be mixed

  • gerry-ritz-1
6 10, 2016

Will Carbon Taxes in Canada Cancel Out Potential Trade Benefits?

Former Ag minister Gerry Ritz, and now the Conservative party’s new international trade critic says agriculture is still a major focus for him and other Conservative members of parliament because it remains and will continue to be a major focus and economic driver for Canada and especially for Western Canada.

“In my case oil and

6 10, 2016

Organization Calls for Hog Producers to Market in a Timely Manner

The CME Group’s daily livestock letter sights hog slaughter numbers in the third week of September as truly ‘shocking’ and the fear is that hog supplies on the ground are larger than what packers are able to process during a regular work week.

“The last time packers exceeded ‘normal’ processing capacity was in the fall

  • Dr. Gurdts Vido
6 10, 2016

Heightened Biosecurity and Heightened Research to Tackle the Dreaded PED Virus

The PED virus strikes twice within one week in Manitoba, other provinces stand up and take notice tightening their own biosecurity protocols making sure it doesn’t strike in their backyards and rightfully so. The disease outbreak while only in ten barns so far in Manitoba causes stress and devastation to those hit, and stress

  • mego_edit
6 10, 2016

And now, PED Virus No. 10 in Manitoba

While little left to say when another hog farm breaks with a fresh case of PED virus, here is the latest from Manitoba Pork when PED virus outbreak number ten hit a Manitoba hog farm.

On September 21, 2016, a new case of PED was confirmed at a finisher farm in southeast Manitoba. This farm

6 10, 2016

PED Virus Case No. 9 in Manitoba

Despite strict vigilance and tightening up of biosecurity protocol the dreaded PED virus is ever present and ready to strike it appears as it did again in Manitoba.

Manitoba Pork says on September 15, Manitoba’s Chief Veterinary Office (CVO) confirmed positive test results for porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) from a southeastern Manitoba sow barn, bringing

6 10, 2016


Genesus Expands Team

Genesus is pleased to announce the appointment of Art Goelema as Sales Manager Western Region. Art joins Genesus from Peak Genetics where he was Sales Manger from 2007 to present. Art is a graduate of Almelo University, Netherlands. In 1988 Art moved to Canada where he has managed several sow farms, including

6 10, 2016

Pork Chops


The Alberta Pork Congress Annual General Meeting has been rescheduled. It will now take place as a breakfast meeting Wednesday October 19th in Red Deer at the Sherton prior to the start of Red Deer Swine Technology Workshop. The breakfast meeting will commence at 7:30 am and go till 8:15 am, so still plenty