11 08, 2016


ULS Industies Accepts Awards

United Livestock Systems a divison of ULS Industries was recently awared in two separate catergories. The awards were from CTS Storage, their products include but are not limited to Harvestore, Nutristore and slyrrystore.

For 2015 United Livestock Systmes placed second in dealer volume in North America. The second award was for Dayrl

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11 08, 2016

Porkapalooza Attracts a Crowd

Pork and music, what a great way to spend Father’s Day weekend. The 3rd annual Porkapalooza was held recently in Edmonton. As their slogan says “A Big Meat Up,” with 32 food vendors on site featuring one hundred per cent BBQ, how could you not have fun and leave with a full belly. Throw

11 08, 2016

Necessity Keeps Researchers Looking for Better Technology to Cut Costs and do a Better Job

While industry people continue to call on the federal government and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to listen to the hog industry on livestock trailer washing biosecurity, others are moving ahead with improved and stepped up technology to wash those trailers.

Researchers with the Prairie Agricultural Machinery Institute are preparing to move to the next

11 08, 2016

A One Per Cent Increase in Hog Slaughter in the U.S. is a Big Deal for Producers in Canada

The recent hog and pigs report released by the United States Department of Agriculture shows that the U.S. hog inventory is up two per cent. In the case of the U.S. hog industry, an industry that is so huge, a small change in numbers can cause a major market shift in market prices. When

11 08, 2016

Keep on Keeping on Telling the Farming Story

Educating the younger folk is something the farming industry must keep doing, and keep doing it well for food production to continue to flourish and for those younger to keep telling others farmers are doing it right, safely, cost effective, and for sure keeping it healthy.

Myrna Grahn, the manager of the University of Manitoba’s

11 08, 2016

From Price Reporting to Face to Face Interaction is What Makes it the North American Market

Dr. Craig Morris, the deputy administrator with USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service expects changes to mandatory price reporting to take effect this fall.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has had a market news reporting function for over 100 years publishing information collected voluntarily from packers but in 1999, for livestock and meat products, it became mandatory

11 08, 2016

Hall of Fame Welcomes Four More Farming Contributors

The Manitoba Agricultural Hall of Fame honoured four new inductees in Portage la Prairie in July for their significant and lasting contributions to the province’s Ag industry.

The induction ceremony highlighted four individuals, including Weldon Newton of Neepawa, Gordon McPhee of Dauphin, the late Selma Maendal of Portage la Prairie, and the late Jack Parker

  • Lifetime Achievement
  • Gesiena Hooijer's sow stall
  • Kurt Preugschas
  • Farm Team-Neudorf Colony
11 08, 2016

Alberta Pork Congress Turns 42

Every challenge presents an opportunity for improvement, Lifetime Achievement winner Jim Haggins said in offering his thanks to the swine industry during the 42nd-Annual Alberta Pork Congress in June.

Chairman of Alberta Pork during some of the industry’s toughest years, Haggins has retired from production and sold his farm, but remains active in various other

11 08, 2016

Proposed changes to Canada’s Food and Drug Regulations

Dr. Leigh Rosengren, a Saskatchewan-based Veterinary Epidemiologist says proposed changes to Canada’s Food and Drug Regulations will increase the oversight and tracking of antimicrobials imported into Canada for use in food animals.

The federal government published its Proposed Changes to the Food and Drug Regulations Related to Antimicrobial Resistance July 2.

Dr. Rosengren, a Veterinary Epidemiologist

11 08, 2016

Ag Minister’s First Ever Ag Consultations a Huge Step Forward

Ag leaders and farmers are hailing the recent consultation with farm and agriculture stakeholders, never before done in recent farming history in Manitoba, a huge step forward.

Dan Mazier, president of Keystone Agricultural Producers (KAP) says it was especially rewarding to see the variety in turnout, truckers, food processors, farmers, and others at last week’s