• dgh-fall-producer-meetings-2016
1 12, 2016

Building New Hog Barns to Satisfy Increasing for Demand in Manitoba

When demand outstrips supply in most cases it is a good problem to have, if there is a way to increase that supply. In the case of a pork processor in Manitoba selling chilled pork to willing consumers in Japan and China, the company is taking things in its own hands, but will need

1 12, 2016

A Glut of Live Pigs Driving Down the Pig Price . . . but . . . Hold the Phone

With pork processing companies building larger facilities to accommodate an ever increasing supply, now weather plays havoc with the largest pork processing plant in the world.

Tyler Fulton H@ms Marketing Services says disruptions in the operation of the world’s largest pork processing plant have made an already tight U.S. processing capacity situation even tighter. I


  • geraldine-auston
  • martin-bowman
1 12, 2016

Maintaining Public Trust

If you really want to know how others see your barn, take some pictures, take them back to your desk and look at what’s in front of you, says an agricultural management specialist.

And, if you see something that doesn’t make you proud, make some changes, says an Alberta producer.

Consultant Geraldine Auston from Ag &

  • joel-beatson
  • wim-van-wyck
  • gord-winkel
1 12, 2016

Farm Labour – Safety and Training

The new hire is smart, strong and keen, but lacks common sense and just doesn’t seem to understand even the simplest concepts in animal care.

Effective training is a common challenge among farmers trying to find reliable help in a labour vacuum that continues despite high unemployment.

Central Alberta swine producers John Middel and Wim van

1 12, 2016

Trade Deals up in the Air Under President-elect Trump’s Administration

When administrations change in the largest trade producing country in the world, and when they change so directly as under president-elect Donald J. Trump things on the books from the previous administration become suspect in some cases and expendable in others.

Trade deals are particularly suspect under the new president-elect Trump’s administration once he takes

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1 12, 2016

Sask Pork 2016 Awards of Distinction

Sask Pork was pleased to present the Award of Distinction for Research Innovation to the U of S VIDO-InterVac Team acknowledging outstanding their achievement and success in the development of a PEDv Vaccine. A second award for Leadership in Research Innovation was given to Dr. Volker Gerdts, Associate Director of Research at VIDO, recognizing

  • h-murray-duggan
1 12, 2016

Genomics Demystified

The Human Genome Project took almost 15 years to complete and cost a whopping $3.8 billion.

In science speak the project — officially launched in 1990 and completed in 2003 — was undertaken to determine the sequence of nucleotide base pairs which make up human DNA. It turns out there are about three billion of

  • h-panel
1 12, 2016

Group Housing

With the compliance year of 2024 approaching, pork producers in Canada are looking at options for group housing for their sows.

Three of those options were presented at the Saskatchewan Pork Industry Symposium. Dr. Jennifer Brown, the moderator of the session and a research scientist at the Prairie Swine Centre, said sow housing used to

1 12, 2016

From the publishers desk,

Greetings on a cool foggy morning. With the ground now white it’s looking more like early winter than late fall.

Speaking of fall, the seminars, meetings and workshops continue to have strong turn outs. There is an abundance of coverage in this issue from such events; Red Deer Swine Technology Workshop, Saskatchewan Industry Pork Symposium,

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16 10, 2016

City Life Farms, Back to the Roots of Farming

On an overcast afternoon I arrived at City Life Farms a bit early, so as I was waiting to meet Brian I found myself noticing my surroundings. First the two dogs came to play with me and see what I was all about, closely followed by four turkeys who were curious too. In the