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1 12, 2016

EUROTIER World’s Producers Flock To Hanover

You could spend a vast amount of time taking in trade fairs but if you have to make a choice then EuroTier, held every two years in Hannover, Germany is the place to be. EuroTier is arguably the leading global trade fair for animal production. This year there were 163,000 visitors – which included

1 12, 2016

Canada and EU Sign CETA – Great News for Farm Exporters

After a small country like Belgium stalled the signing of the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), Canada and the European Union signed it on October 30. While the Liberal government will take credit for this historic agreement, the Harper government and then Ag Minister Gerry Ritz did much of the leg work.

1 12, 2016

Are the Negative Effects of the Mycotoxin, Deoxynivalenol (DON) due Solely to Effects on Feed Intake?

Vaishnavi Iyer Aka Aiyer,1,2,

Dan Columbus 2 and Denise Beaulieu 1

1 University of Saskatchewan, 2 Prairie Swine Centre,

Deoxynivalenol (DON), commonly known as vomitoxin, is a mycotoxin produced by the fungi, Fusarium graminearum, which infects all grains, especially wheat and barley. Grains infected with fusarium are typically downgraded to be used as livestock feed. Pigs are

1 12, 2016

Antibiotic Benchmarking Another Management Tool for Hog Farmers

Animal health and how the products farmers use them is becoming more and more important in raising hogs because the costs of those products keep rising and the right for consumers to know what farmers are using is increasing.

Dr. Henry Gauvreau, a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine with Warman Veterinary Services says antibiotic benchmarking offers

1 12, 2016

On The Edge With Siemens Says

Challenges and hope go hand in hand

Farmers continue to face their challenges head on. With Thanksgiving behind us in Canada and still to come in the United States, not so good commodity prices, and parts of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta where Mother Nature dumped many inches of rain and then up to three feet

  • Carr - Portage
1 12, 2016

How Big Should the Space be for Newly Weaned Nursery Pigs

While early research suggests space allowance requirements could be reduced for nursery pigs not everyone thinks it is a good idea to jump to conclusions before the actual results are in.

Dr. Yolande Seddon, an Assistant Professor of Swine Behaviour and Welfare in the Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences with the University of Saskatchewan’s

1 12, 2016

Easing Temporary Foreign Worker Program a Positive Step

Canada’s Temporary Foreign Worker Program has long been a sore spot for farmers in part because of rules imposed because a different industry misused the system. Now it appears the Liberal government is making a move in the right direction that may make a difference.

George Matheson, chair of Manitoba Pork says it appears adjustments

1 12, 2016

Evaluating Tool For Optimizing Shipping Weight

A simple tool that producers can download free of charge can help them find the ideal shipping weight for every batch of pigs they sell.

The only question is why people are not catching on, says Herman Simons, farm management specialist with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry’s farm information centre in Stettler.

At the Red Deer Swine

1 12, 2016

Annual General Meeting

Canadian producers must band together and push for a made-in-Canada pricing system for their hogs, says the chairman of Alberta Pork.

In his address to the membership during the group’s Annual General Meeting on Nov. 9, Frank Novak described the pitfalls if producers continue to ship on a cash-based pricing system that has made it

1 12, 2016

The CPC Gives Feds Some Much Needed Direction

With great focus, some of it by overzealous do-gooders, the livestock sectors are making sure the health of animals, and the food they sell to the public is healthy and perceived so in all counts.

That is one reason the Canadian Pork Council (CPC) is calling on government to ensure swine health and disease prevention