6 04, 2017

Managing Feeding To Reduce Feed Wastage In Lactation

Feed is the single largest cost associated with producing pork, ranging from 50-70% of the total cost of production. When looking to save money in their feeding programs, producers typically consider the finishing herd as it represents approximately two-thirds of the total feed cost. One area that can be easily overlooked is lactation feeding

  • Andrew Dickson 02.01.17 MPS
6 04, 2017

Manitoba Pork’s Andrew Dickson Says Break-even Year For Manitoba Hog Producers

Optimism radiated from the hog industry recently for two days in Winnipeg, MB as part of the Manitoba Swine Seminar.

That is despite some ominous clouds on the horizon involving trade deals and hog prices lower than anticipated because of the United States hog industry increasing production dramatically.

“Prices seem to be holding but profits in

6 04, 2017

Pork Producers Call For Clarity In Animal Care Codes

George Matheson, the Chair of Manitoba Pork says pork producers are looking for more clarity as dates approach for final changes to Canada’s new Pig Code of Practice and its incorporation into the Canadian Pork Excellence program.

A delegation representing Manitoba Pork traveled to Guelph recently to take part in Ontario Pork’s 2017 Annual General

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6 04, 2017

Efficiency In Raising Livestock And Telling The Public How And Why

Speaking at the Manitoba Swine Seminar in Winnipeg, MB recently Dr. Frank Mitloehner, a Professor and Air Quality Specialist with the Department of Animal Science at the University of California-Davis says the persistent red barn image of agriculture is misleading the public and needs dispelling if modern agriculture is to be free to meet

6 04, 2017

Trade, Relationships, And Security Go Hand In Hand

The debate on trade policy and how it will and could affect Canadian exporters of products and farming commodities are a big one and continues to receive great attention.

Mariette Mulaire, President and CEO of the World Trade Centre in Winnipeg said Canadian business needs to focus on shifting the attitude in the United States

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6 04, 2017

All Hog Industry Eyes On U.S. Trade Policy Going Forward

Tyler Fulton, the Director of Risk Management with h@ms Marketing Services said so much of what is happening in the hog industry, especially the pricing, depends on what United States will do under President Donald J. Trump.

Yet he said considerable volatility in the hog market was fuelled by the prospects of larger pork supplies

  • 5-xrop
  • 24-crop
  • 1
6 04, 2017

Antibiotic Free Pork Catching On In Denmark

The case study quoted in this article was presented at the 2016 Annual Pig Congress in Herning, Denmark.

Antibiotic resistance in humans is getting to be more and more a major concern and it’s very worrying that many infections are not responding to antibiotics.

There is a shortage of new antibiotics – Penicillin was first used

6 04, 2017

SK Perspective

Donald Trump as president of the United Stated certainly creates some unknowns in terms of trade and its impact on the Canadian economy.

That was the message from John Gormley, guest speaker at an agricultural producer appreciation night held in Yorkton in March. “The man takes unorthodox to levels most of us can’t understand,” said

  • Garry W - pigs
  • Clear Colony pigs
6 04, 2017

Cleanliness And Lab Testing Key To Colony Raising Pigs Without Antibiotics Successfully

Garry Wollmann is the barn manager at Clearwater Hutterite Colony near Balmoral, Manitoba where they operate a 700 sow farrow to finish producing up to 17,000 pigs, which go to HyLife at Neepawa, MB. They have a liquid feeding system for their sows and finishing. The nursery is wet dry feeders and in 2014,

6 04, 2017

On The Edge With Siemens Says

On the road again through Twitter and Air Canada

If you recall our trip to the Menno Colony in 2015, a working trip where I visited farms, but more importantly told the Canadian farming and agricultural stories one farmer or one industry representative at a time.

I follow Twitter carefully looking, scavenging, probing, and asking people