9 02, 2017

Pork Chops

Cramer Ag Expo

The one day trade show will take place Thursday February 16th in Swift Current at Kinetic Park from 8:30 am – 5 pm. See you at the sold out trade show. Be sure to stay on site till the end of the day for the Cramer Cup series winners. A reminder that

9 02, 2017

Getting the Word Out

Consumers have shown increased interest in their food, how it is produced and the safety for their families. That means producers can have an increased role in providing not just food, but the story behind it as well. But when it comes to questions regarding hormones, GMOs, organics and food, food safety, how do

9 02, 2017

PED Virus Very Much Under Control in Canada

When the PED virus first hit the United States, the hog industry in Canada knew it would just be a matter of time until it reared its ugly head in Canada. Then it happened first in Ontario and then in Manitoba. However, with a great defence that turned into offence, it appeared that Manitoba

9 02, 2017

Assessing Cleanliness of Swine Transportation Trailers

Pig transportation is widely recognized as a significant risk for transmission of swine diseases. With the outbreaks of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea (PEDv) and the potential for PRRS, a great deal of effort has been put forth to ensure transport trailers are properly washed, disinfected and inspected for organic matter and microbial contamination prior to

  • Sandra Vijn
  • Terry O'Reilly
  • Joe Schwarcz
  • Steve Meyer and Kevin Grier
9 02, 2017

Captains of Industry

North America’s pork industry could perhaps be likened to a giant and diverse flotilla churning through stormy seas toward an unfamiliar port. Well-seasoned captains gathered from Western Canada and beyond were advised of the ways and means to navigate those waters and the outcomes they can anticipate during plenary sessions of the Banff Pork

  • Cascade from a castle window
  • Mark Chambers
9 02, 2017

Banff Pork Seminar Wraps its 46th Edition

Organizers of the 46th-annual Banff Pork Seminar are brushing up their game plan for next year, hot on the heels of hosting 658 delegates inside the Christmas-card setting of the Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel during the second week in January.

While the weather outside was frightful at times – dropping at one point to -32C

  • Herning hearts 2 23-15
9 02, 2017

Danish Pig Seminar

In October each year the Danish pig industry shuts down for two days and moves to Herning, where the 2000 delegates learn of the latest industry findings and also enjoy a hearty banquet, naturally featuring pork — Danish of course! Some of the presentations make up this report.

African Swine Fever – The Dane’s Nightmare

9 02, 2017

CC & CT Both are Coming

Surely the biggest news of late, at least in the Prairies, is the idea of climate change and carbon tax.

Premier Brad Wall has never exactly gotten around to admitting that the climate is changing.

It really should only take a quick perusal of the funds funnelled through Saskatchewan’s Provincial Disaster Assistance Program in recent years

9 02, 2017

From the publishers desk,

Happy 2017 welcome to Prairie Hog Country’s 21st year, although it is January, when I am typing this, it sure doesn’t feel like it plus 7 is the forecast today. That was not the case when 658 of the industry joined together in Banff for the 46th Banff Pork Seminar. That week the temperatures

9 02, 2017

Siemens Says

Looking forward

It’ just one of those things, you know what I mean, another year goes by, and a new one begins. Well, we are so blessed here in southern Manitoba, [where we live] and sometimes I think people take that for granted. I know I do.

On Christmas Day, I asked my brother Jack two