• 5-xrop
  • 24-crop
  • 1
6 04, 2017

Antibiotic Free Pork Catching On In Denmark

The case study quoted in this article was presented at the 2016 Annual Pig Congress in Herning, Denmark.

Antibiotic resistance in humans is getting to be more and more a major concern and it’s very worrying that many infections are not responding to antibiotics.

There is a shortage of new antibiotics – Penicillin was first used

6 04, 2017

SK Perspective

Donald Trump as president of the United Stated certainly creates some unknowns in terms of trade and its impact on the Canadian economy.

That was the message from John Gormley, guest speaker at an agricultural producer appreciation night held in Yorkton in March. “The man takes unorthodox to levels most of us can’t understand,” said

  • Garry W - pigs
  • Clear Colony pigs
6 04, 2017

Cleanliness And Lab Testing Key To Colony Raising Pigs Without Antibiotics Successfully

Garry Wollmann is the barn manager at Clearwater Hutterite Colony near Balmoral, Manitoba where they operate a 700 sow farrow to finish producing up to 17,000 pigs, which go to HyLife at Neepawa, MB. They have a liquid feeding system for their sows and finishing. The nursery is wet dry feeders and in 2014,

6 04, 2017

On The Edge With Siemens Says

On the road again through Twitter and Air Canada

If you recall our trip to the Menno Colony in 2015, a working trip where I visited farms, but more importantly told the Canadian farming and agricultural stories one farmer or one industry representative at a time.

I follow Twitter carefully looking, scavenging, probing, and asking people

6 04, 2017

Recapture Disappearing Pigs

Alberta Pork’s chairman is calling on producers to help redesign the pork value chain to put more money in their own pockets and divert thousands of pigs now being shipped south for finishing and slaughter.

During regional meetings with Alberta Producers in mid-March, Frank Novak reiterated his contention that the pricing model is broken and

  • SCC - '17 - Bob PC
  • SCC - '17 sorting
  • SCC - '17 sucking
6 04, 2017

Suncrest Colony Transition To Sow Group Housing A Real Success

The first new hog barn in the last seven years held an Open House on March 4, 2017, at the Suncrest Colony just off the intersection of highways 59 and 52 near Steinbach, MB.

Colony Hog Boss Bob Kleinsasser described it as an 800 sow farrow to 80 pounds using open group housing with 125

6 04, 2017

Canada’s New Pig Code Starts To Kick In

With the Manitoba government loosening the moratorium on hog barn expansion and the processing industry needing about a million more hogs annually thoughts turn to the construction of those barns.

Bob Houben, a representative with FGC Construction suggests the age of the barn, its layout, and its ventilation will be among key factors to examine

  • DR: manure agitator
  • DR: applicator and hose
6 04, 2017

Learning How To Apply Manure Nutrients In-crop Will Add Value

Doug Redekop, the President of Precision Pumping of La Broquerie, MB said livestock manure applicators have stepped up

their attention to biosecurity in the wake of the arrival of PED in North America. Applicators are much more focused on ensuring their equipment doesn’t give the virus the opportunity to move.

In a recent interview, Redekop also

  • 2017-02-16 15.30.36
  • 2017-02-16 10.57.10
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  • 2017-02-16 15.29.55
6 04, 2017

Cramer Expo Attracts A Crowd

The 7th annual Cramer Expo once again attracted a large crowd. The one-day trade show held in February was a great place to connect with all aspects of our industry under one roof. Breeding companies, feed suppliers, equipment, pharmaceuticals and more were represented in the sold out trade show.

Kelly Turcotte, trade show coordinator commented,

  • Bob K - sows
6 04, 2017

Manitoba Government Move Could See More Hog Barns In Suitable Areas

As part of the Manitoba government’s proposed legislation to reduce out-dated, contradictory, complicated or ineffective regulatory requirements imposed on businesses, industry and local government’s changes could occur to making permitting a hog barn a little less cumbersome.

Finance Minister Cameron Friesen said the government is committed to eliminating the barriers that prevent business and local