• Ken Engele
  • Laurence Maignel
  • Dennis Stevenson
  • Ravneet Kaur
8 06, 2017

Research at the Ground Level

Producing a pig of higher value at less cost in a safe and healthy environment is fundamental to the Prairie Swine Centre, based at the University of Saskatchewan.

Established 25 years ago to provide ground level research for the swine and pork industries, the team is supported largely by the levies producers pay to their

  • JC - teaching at MSS
8 06, 2017

Train and Health Maintenance Key to This Vet’s Practice

Many people ask Dr. John Carr, an international livestock consultant and veterinarian who feeds pigs around the world what he actually does … It is health maintenance and training.

“So to my mind, what I do, which is different, is I have coined the term ‘health maintenance’. So, traditional veterinarians would go out and treat

  • TS -Jeremy in mill office
  • TS: Trevor in barn
8 06, 2017

Raising Pigs in the UK by Shute Family Farm

Trevor, Adrian, Jeremy, Jonathan and Matthew Shute are part of a family farm that employs 20 people and operates at Newhouse, Canworthy Water, Launceston, Cornwall, UK.

In a recent visit to this farm, Adrian, Jeremy, and their father Trevor spoke candidly about their operation that spreads over three separate locations with a 1,800 sow farrow

  • anj
  • IMG_3870
  • IMG_3793
  • IMG_3562
8 06, 2017

Shortening the Chain Farm to Fork

Holderness is a part of East Yorkshire famed for the quality of its farming and where it’s nearer, as the crow flies, to get to Grimsby than it is to get to Hull. The farms are all large and the rich clay soil is ideal for growing bumper crops of winter wheat. Back in

8 06, 2017

It’s Obvious – North American Pork Needs Exports to Survive and Thrive

Pat McGonegle, the CEO of Iowa Pork Producers Association told the annual meeting of the Manitoba Pork Council pork is very important to the economy in Iowa.

“Iowa will raise about 30 some per cent of the U.S. pork production, market about 42 to 44 million pigs per year within the state. In Iowa, agriculture

8 06, 2017

Farming All About the Numbers

The numbers are in, and there are not a lot of surprises as long term trends hold.

The numbers, in the case of the Canadian Census of Agriculture, with a document released every five years.

So what did we learn?

Well a good portion of farmers have at least a tinge of grey hair.

More than half of

  • Tyler Fulton-2
8 06, 2017

Demand Drives Hog Price Rise

Hog prices in Canada and the United States are slowly rising and that is a good thing, but what are the key factors influencing markets and what is actually happening.

“Over the last two weeks, (first half of May) or so, the cash market in the U.S. has made a dramatic recovery,” said Tyler Fulton,

8 06, 2017


George Matheson, chair of Manitoba Pork gave an update on the Manitoba pork industry at the recent AGM referring to the mood of the hog producer as optimistic.

“The cash price the last year defied the futures. There seems to be very good demand for pork, although there is a lot of pork being produced

8 06, 2017

When Times Get Tough Not the Time to Cut Back Production says Dr. John Carr

Earlier this year, Andrew Dickson, general manager of Manitoba Pork in his state of the hog industry to kick off the Manitoba Swine Seminar cautioned farmers it will be very critical how hog producers tend to both ends of their business, inputs, sales, and of course management from sow to finish, depending at when

8 06, 2017

Manitoba PED Update

As of magazine press time:

Over the past month nine swine operations in southeastern Manitoba have been confirmed infected by Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea including six within a five kilometer area and three outside the original five kilometer buffer zone, two of which are linked to that zone by pig movements.


PED Virus Case No. 15 Found