• stu
  • Emma 2017 Group Lactation System letterbox
  • Emma Portrait 2017Emma Baxter
10 08, 2017

Which Freedom Farrowing System? The Role of Alternative Farrowing Systems in The Future

Dr. Emma Baxter research scientist Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC)

This is a paper presented at a recent UK conference looking forward at prospects/trends for the UK pig industry over the next five years.

Welfare and pig production are inextricably intertwined and many organisations and individuals would like to see farrowing crates banned as they consider restraining

  • Ken and Maria Hamoen
  • Ruurd image
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  • Ruurd Zijlstra presentation
10 08, 2017

Alberta Pork Congress Awards

Awards are created to celebrate the hard work of people involved in the hog industry, including producers, processors and all the suppliers and agencies that serve them.

That’s the primary reason for the annual awards banquet that has become a highlight of Alberta Pork Congress, held for the 43rd time in Red Deer during mid-June,

10 08, 2017

On The Edge With Siemens Says

One hundred and fifty years old or should I say young? Looking across the border to the United States 241 years old, but reflecting on our recent travels to Europe, we sat and walked in houses and churches dating back to the 12th Century and more.

We worshiped in one of the last Gothic churches

10 08, 2017

Preserving Bloodlines

A recently developed technology holds the promise of helping preserve key genetics from top bloodlines and rare breeds.

Canadian Animal Genetic Resources (CAGR) is a joint initiative of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) and the University of Saskatchewan (U of S), to preserve the genetic diversity of Canadian livestock and poultry breeds, and to develop

10 08, 2017

Managing Feeding To Reduce Feed Wastage In Lactation

Feed is the single largest cost associated with producing pork, ranging from 50-70% of the total cost of production. When looking to save money in their feeding programs, producers typically consider the finishing herd as it represents approximately two-thirds of the total feed cost. One area that can be easily overlooked is lactation feeding

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  • Overview
  • Juul AgAdvance
  • Hog Country booth
10 08, 2017

Pork Congress Wraps up its 43rd Year

Any notion that 43 years is getting a little long in the tooth gains little if any traction from organizers and exhibitors at Alberta Pork Congress, held in Red Deer on June 14 and 15.

This year’s edition was remarkable in many ways, including the buoyant mood among exhibitors and attendees as well as the

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10 08, 2017

Verdant Valley Grows Forward with Major Renos

Production managers Amos and Ron Wipf may finally be able to get some sleep, now that the final touches are complete on a multi-million-dollar renovation at Verdant Valley Colony, northeast of Drumheller.

The two cousins put insight gained over 17 years of raising livestock into the design and creation of updated facilities for the colony’s

10 08, 2017

Moving Ag Programs Forward

Late in July Ag leaders across Canada looked forward to the new Canadian Agricultural Partnership announced by the feds. The five-year, $3 billion investment will come into effect April 1, 2018, replacing Growing Forward 2.

Florian Possberg, the Chair of the Saskatchewan Pork Development Board, said confirmation that Canada’s Agriculture Ministers have agreed to move

10 08, 2017

Higher U.S. Hog Numbers Expected to Result in Lower Market Hog Prices

h@ms is a hog marketing service provider representing Manitoba and Saskatchewan producers and put out a regular hams Market Commentary. On Wednesday, July 26 h@ms called the U.S. cash prices to open lower again following the same trend that started about ten days ago. “Packers have cut their bids for hogs by about five

  • ribs
10 08, 2017

Barbecued Asian Back Ribs


2 racks Canadian Pork Back Ribs

3 cups (750 ml) hot water

1/2 cup (125 ml) hoisin sauce

1/4 cup (50 ml) soy sauce

1/4 cup (50 ml) rice or cider vinegar

1/2 cup (50 ml) dry sherry or rice wine

2 tbsp (25 ml) Dijon mustard

2 cloves garlic, minced

1 tbsp (15 ml) minced fresh ginger



Pre-heat oven to