• SB - Murry Elliott
5 10, 2017

Hog Barn Codes – To Renovate or to Build New is the Big Question

As part of a group sow housing seminar held September 12th in Winnipeg, MB, and September 13th in Strathmore, AB Murray Elliot a farm building consultant with FGC Construction talked about the topic new or renovation, what to consider.

Meeting was entitled Building New or Renovation: What’s to Consider.

FGC, Swine Innovation Porc, and Prairie Swine

5 10, 2017

From the publishers desk,

Greetings on a cool blustery fall day. In the last 24 hours I have seen some rain, wind, fog and even a bit of snow. However I’m not complaining one bit, when we see the destruction in other places on the globe we are reminded again how fortunate we are, from floods, hurricanes, fires and

  • Livestock trailers cards-2
  • Livestock trailers cards-1
10 08, 2017

Livestock Emergency Trailers

The unnecessary loss of hundreds of weaner pigs after a transport truck rolled earlier this year has exposed a serious knowledge gap affecting anyone hauling livestock in Alberta. The push is now on to get that gap closed as quickly and tightly as possible.

In mid-spring, swine production manager Alastair Bratton was on a business

  • Andrew Dickson Feb 2015
10 08, 2017

From PED Virus to PRRS in Manitoba

Dr. Blaine Tully, the President of the Canadian Association of Swine Veterinarians and a partner with Swine Health Professionals in Steinbach, MB said swine veterinarian in Manitoba have stepped up their focus on addressing a new, more virulent strain of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome.

A new more virulent strain of PRRS, a viral infection

10 08, 2017

PEDv Prevention: Biosecurity up to The Barn Door

Currently there are 60 plus farms testing positive for PEDv in southeast Manitoba and eight disease buffer areas, comprising 21 sow operations, 13 nursery and 16 feeder. Manitoba Pork said it cannot stress enough that biosecurity is critical in keeping PEDv out of pig operations and away from producer pigs.

“Ensuring that PEDv doesn’t ‘walk’

  • JC - where are the stock people
10 08, 2017

The PED Virus in Manitoba is Slowing

The Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea outbreak spread throughout swine operations in southeastern Manitoba and two more west of the Red River, Altona and Lowe Farm since the end of April appears to be on the decline.

“We have 60 sites infected since the spring. Regarding capacity, we have 66,000 sow places, nursing barn

263,000 places, and infected

  • JC - PED colostrum added piglet ok
  • JC - piglets alive for ten days
  • JC - farm staff breakup
10 08, 2017

There is Life After PED

Dr. John Carr, an international livestock consultant, and a veterinarian had fought the war against PED virus since 1970 when it struck his farm as a 14-year-old in Yorkshire.

“But it is a war that we can win!”

Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea is a most dangerous acute pathogen of pigs. When it appears for the first time

  • egan B
  • EB - Egan wash
  • egan pigs
10 08, 2017

Biosecurity Key to Gaining Control of Manitoba PED Outbreak

Tools that the hog industry is using in Manitoba appear to be helping bring the spread of PED virus in the province under control.

On Thursday, July 27 Manitoba Pork hosted a PED information session in Steinbach, MB to update producers on the situation.

George Matheson, the Chair of Manitoba Pork, says there have been no

10 08, 2017

From the publishers desk,

Greetings on a warm sunny afternoon, and surprisingly no wind. We have certainly had more wind then normal around here, but I am not complaining we are so much more fortunate then so many. Thinking of all of those in BC staying out of harm’s way of the fires.

This edition marks the fourth release

10 08, 2017

Pork Chops

Alberta Livestock Expo

A new trade show will take place in Lethbridge AB at Exhibition Park on Thursday October 12th.

This new trade show will be a multispecies event, welcoming all aspects of the agriculture industry for the one day show.

As of press time booths over 80% sold. Booth registration and more details will be