29 09, 2021

From the publishers desk,

As I am typing this note I can literally smell and feel combine dust in the air, fall and harvest is upon us. Normally, at this time of year I would be saying see you at the upcoming shows/seminars/meetings, but alas because of COVID and new restrictions we find ourselves again with more events

5 08, 2021

From Publishers Desk

It is hard to believe here we are in the fourth of six editions in 2021. The days, weeks and months are zooming by. Sorry no pun intended. With restrictions loosening, yes some provinces more then others, it is so wonderful to see more unmasked faces again. It looks as though we will be

3 06, 2021

From the publishers desk,

Greetings I am typing this message on Victoria Day as I have just returned home from a camping trip. The weather was pretty good, actually was camping the weekend prior as well and it was +25, then in good Alberta spring fashion we had a snow storm only to be nice again on the long

8 04, 2021

From the publishers desk,

A year ago in the April/May 2020 edition of Prairie Hog Country I typed a note about usually not at a loss for words, but not sure what to say. Well fast-forward to April/May 2021 and I am still not really sure what to say. Yes, we are getting used multiple zoom meetings & live

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4 02, 2021

From the publishers desk,

Happy 2021, I think all of us were ready to turn the page on 2020 and look forward to a new year. Reaching 2021 is very exciting for me as it marks the 25th year of publishing Prairie Hog Country. Not sure when Susan, original owner of PHC, called me back in 1996 to

3 12, 2020

From the publishers desk,

Welcome to the last edition in 2020, and what a year it has been. We all hope and pray that 2021 will bring a more usual routine, without starting every morning with hearing new case numbers and how many new hospitalizations plus even worse, how many new deaths.All those in the agricultural field are a

1 10, 2020

From the publishers desk,

As I am penning this the unique times continue, some families are settling back into fall routines with school starting and the combines are going at solid pace trying to get this year’s crop off and in the bin. While fall is here, it still looks quite different, when passing people in the grocery, equipment

6 08, 2020

Publishers desk

Yesterday, from when I am penning this, the Alberta Government announced that students will return to schools in the class room this fall. I received Tim’s cartoon only a few short hours later. We both must have been on same wave length and didn’t realize it.A huge thanks to Paul and Manuel of HEART

4 06, 2020

From the publishers desk,

As I am penning this I can hear the hum off bees on a tree outside my office window. A sure sign that spring has sprung, plus all the seeding being done in the fields. So it should feel like the world is normal … well as we all know with the continuing COVID 19

8 04, 2020

From the publishers desk,

Anybody who knows me well, knows I am not usually at a loss for words. Well, as I am trying to type my message this morning just before a print deadline, I find myself feeling that exact thing – a loss for words. Not sure what to say or in this case type. Ninety