30 09, 2021

Pork Chops

Alberta Livestock Expo CancelledUnfortunately due to the current government restrictions and the strain on the alberta health care system the 2021 Alberta Livestock Expo has been cancelled. We hope to see you back in 2022. Dates to be confirmed.For details more information on exhibition and sponsor fees refunds please contact Kaite at 431.337.8726 orE:

5 08, 2021

Pork Chops

Alberta Livestock ExpoPlans are underway for the Alberta Livestock Expo to take place in Lethbridge October 6 & 7, 2021.Booth bookings now open on the expanded floor space. As of press time booths are 65% sold, so do not delay book today online at albertalivestockexpo.com. Subject to restrictions, hope to have a hot lunch

3 06, 2021

Pork Chops

World Pork Expo A GoDespite all trade show, seminars, meetings and symposiums either being cancelled or being held virtually in Canada, World Pork Expo is a go. The show will be held in Des Moines at the Iowa State Fairgrounds from June 9 – 11.•

Alberta Pork Congress CancelledDue to the Covid 19 situation and

8 04, 2021

Pork Chops

Manitoba Pork AGMManitoba Porks virtual AGM is scheduled for Wednesday April 14th. For details or to register contact Manitoba Pork. •

Cramer Ag Expo CancelledDue to the Covid 19 situation and uncertainties with the virus, and current SASK Health protocols we have had to cancel the previously postponed Cramer Expo.We look forward to 2022, with a

4 02, 2021

Pork Chops

Cramer Ag ExpoCramer Ag Expo has been postponed till Thursday May20th, in hopes that COVID 19 restrictions have been lifted and tradeshows are allowed.All SASK Health protocols and guidelines will be followed; booths will be distanced, one way directional aisles, hand sanitizing stations, mandatory masks, limited attendance. Plus large outside tent to allow for extra space.Modified

3 12, 2020

Pork Chops

Banff Pork Seminar Going VirtualRegistration details have been announced for the 2021 Banff Pork Seminar (BPS). Most important the event is free. However delegates must register ahead of time in order to participate.“Our decision to go with a virtual conference for 2021 was based on keeping delegates safe during the COVID-19 pandemic,” says Ashley

1 10, 2020

Pork Chops

Alberta Livestock Expo CancelledSorry to be announcing the decision to cancel the 2020 Alberta Livestock Expo scheduled for October 7 & 8, 2020. At the time of writing, we are in Phase Two of Alberta’s relaunch.  Large agricultural shows, like the Alberta Livestock Expo, are only permitted under Phase Three.  At this time, we don’t

6 08, 2020


Alberta Livestock ExpoThe fourth Alberta Livestock Expo will take place at Exhibition Park in Lethbridge October 7 & 8. Where Livestock Producers and Suppliers MEAT. Expanded trade show floor, dinner banquet, Pork Quality Competition, daily Alberta made door prizes plus much much more. Check the website for complete details. albertalivestockexpo.com or contact us at

4 06, 2020

Pork Chops

Alberta Livestock ExpoThe fourth Alberta Livestock Expo will take place at Exhibition Park in Lethbridge October 7 & 8. Where Livestock Producers and Suppliers MEAT.Expanded trade show floor, dinner banquet, Pork Quality Competition, daily Alberta made door prizes plus much much more. Check the website for complete details. albertalivestockexpo.com or contact us at katie@albertalivestockexpo.com

8 04, 2020

Pork Chops

Alberta Pork Congress Cancelled The 46th annual Alberta Pork Congress will was scheduled in the new Exhibition Hall at Westerner Park in Red Deer June 10th & 11th, has been cancelled. As we continue to learn more about the COVID-19 pandemic and monitor the global situation, the Board of Directors of the Alberta Pork