With the recent confirmation of a clinical case of PEDv in Manitoba, the importance of prevention and mitigation has taken on an even more urgent tone. Sask Pork together with Dr. Betty Althouse, Saskatchewan Chief Veterinary Officer (CVO), CQA Validators/Veterinarians and industry stakeholders, are working closely on the Saskatchewan action plan for PED.
A January 9, 2014 joint industry/government meeting was held with 20 participants representing a good cross section of the production chain. Transport, Sanitation and Testing and Contingency Planning working groups were struck at this meeting to address prevention of PED infection in our herds.
The Transport and Sanitation group objectives include: identifying and testing of truck washes in Saskatchewan; development of enhanced truck washing and disinfection protocols; surveillance/ swab testing of provincial processing plants, renderers, truck wash facilities and transport companies.
The Contingency Planning group focus is:
1. To identify the cost of a PED infection on a farrow-to-finish farm. This was completed in January 2014 with estimates of $278/sow based on 5 year average prices. This is likely higher now and does not include ongoing reproductive costs.
2. Increased communication with industry leaders and veterinarians for planning when a clinical case is diagnosed.
3. Scenario planning using the USA and Ontario experiences to guide our response. Invite interested consulting veterinarians to carry out a scenario planning exercise outlining limitation protocols, elimination protocols and provide a report. A group of veterinarians have been engaged and will deliver a report by mid-March.
4. To form a response team consisting of representation from the Chief Veterinary Office, herd health veterinarians, Sask Pork, Western College of Veterinarian Medicine and two contingency planning group members.
5. Investigate funding for farm surveillance testing under the Saskatchewan On-Farm Biosecurity Program.
6. To monitor and prepare for PED, Sask Pork and the CVO have requested:
a) $5,000 for contingency planning
b) $50,000 for site surveillance at plants, assembly yards, renderers – matches Sask Pork funding.
c) $20,000 for transport surveillance
d) $15,000 for index case response- matches Sask Pork funding
Sask Pork held two PED Producer Information Meetings on February 13 in Swift Current and February 14 in Saskatoon. Both sessions were very well attended with 50-60 producers and stakeholders in attendance at each meeting.
The CVO is undertaking surveillance activities including testing at abattoirs, assembly yards and renderers.
Given the detection and confirmation last week of a PED environmental on footwear of a trucker who had recently returned from the U.S., it has reinforced the importance of enhanced on-farm biosecurity protocols in preventing a herd infection in the province.
Sask Pork has received confirmation from the Government of Saskatchewan for $150,000 in funding for the Saskatchewan Swine On-Farm Biosecurity Program for eligible expenses incurred by producers from February 1, 2014 to July 15, 2014.
Farms are eligible for up to $1,000 for “equipment” and $300 for a veterinarian farm visit having a biosecurity component. An additional $300 for a second, follow-up veterinary visit will be funded by Sask Pork. The program will require submission of a checklist report that will be completed and submitted to Sask Pork by herd veterinarians.
On the communications side, media interviews with staff and directors have been conducted with local tv/radio stations including CBC, CTV, CKOM; Farmscape; Western Producer; Maple Creek News and the Lloydminster Source. Sask Pork’s website homepage includes links to current available information on PED. •