Billboards Raise Awareness
Now that’s a PIG-ture perfect bill-BOAR-d to remind you to Squeal on Pigs!
Wild boar at large are present in Alberta and can devastate crops, predate on wildlife and livestock, and are hosts to 89 different diseases that can affect livestock, humans, and wildlife! The Wild Boar at Large Control Team operates to control the population and expansion of these animals through reports from the public and is entirely unique to Alberta.
If you catch a glimpse of 1 of our 4 new billboards, by Brooks, Wabamun, Red Deer or east of Edmonton, you can report signs or sightings of wild boar to wildboar@gov.ab.ca, 310-FARM, EDDMapS app, or contact your local municipality!
Alberta Invasive Species •

Robinson Named to Senate
Mary Robinson of Prince Edward Island and past president of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture has been appointed to the Senate.
She is currently vice-president of the World Farmers’ Organization.
She will serve as an independent Senator, as is the case with all appointments made by the Liberals.
Robinson is a sixth-generation farmer through her involvement as a managing partner in Robinson Group of Companies which includes farms, P.E.I. Agromart and Island Lime.
“I’m quite relieved that I don’t have to keep keeping the secret,” she said when reached by CBC News recently. “I have to say, I’m a little overwhelmed by the amount of calls and texts and emails and reach-outs that I’ve had… It’s been really heartwarming and exciting.”
Robinson said (Prime Minister Justin) Trudeau called her just over a week ago to ask if she would be interested in the Governor General naming her to the Senate.
The Canadian constitution entitles Prince Edward Island to four Senators and it has had only three since May, 2021, when Mike Duffy resigned. •

Loss of Original Writing Member
Some of you that have been reading Prairie Hog Country from the beginning might recall the name David Schmidt. Although BC based David, only submitted articles occasionally was saddened to hear of his passing late in November (December edition had already been sent to press).
While David had semi retired back in 2017 still covered few stories for Prairie Hog Country.
David was a integral part of the BC Farm Writers’ Association and a active member of the Canadian Farm Writers Federation. •