Manitoba Pork Council
Welcomed Back Directors
During the recent Zoom Webinar AGM Manitoba Pork Coucil the election of four Director positions was completed: George Matheson was elected by acclamation for the West District and Rick Bergmann was elected by acclamation for the East District. Margaret Rempel was appointed Director-at-Large and James Hofer as Director for the Hutter Schwein. All are two-year terms, from 2020 to 2022.
The Board Executive was re-elected: George Matheson, Chair; Rick Bergmann, Vice-Chair; and Executive Members Rick Préjet and Scott Peters. •
Pork Donations Help Fill Need for Protein at Local Food Banks
Throughout the summer, Sask Pork initiated partnerships with local processors Drake Meats and Country Choice Meats to carry out significant donations of fresh pork to the Saskatoon Food Bank, Regina Food Bank and Saskatoon Friendship Inn.
Ensuring everyone has access to wholesome foods at any time is so important, but particularly during these challenging past few months, it highlighted the need for Saskatchewan’s agricultural community to work together to fill that need.
Sask Pork Chairman Casey Smit appreciates the hard work of Saskatchewan’s hog producers and the province’s food banks in providing vital assistance to those in need. Smit states, “As farmers and food producers, we recognize the importance of giving back to our urban and rural communities.”
Sask Pork acknowledges the hard work and efforts of all our producers and processors who have continued to operate throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Through the implementation and of necessary health and safety practices and procedures they were able to ensure continued supply of fresh pork products while safeguarding the health and well-being of their employees on the farms and at the plants.
The recent donations were made possible through Sask Pork’s collaboration with Drake Meats and Country Choice Meats and with their help, the pork industry was able to donate in excess of 8,000 lbs of meat valued at nearly $40,000.
Kelly Ediger Drake Meats’ CEO, is a strong supporter of Saskatchewan food banks and is “happy to contribute to such an integral service in our communities.”
Country Choice Meats is also proud to team up with Sask Pork and the Saskatchewan Food Banks to help offer healthy and delicious pork options from Homestyle Meats processing division. •
Nutrition Canada Becomes Sollio Agriculture
Sollio Agriculture is pleased to announce that Standard Nutrition Canada is officially becoming Sollio Agriculture. This change will create a strong identity that reflects the realities of farmers and allows us to stand out in an increasingly competitive market. It also marks the final step in Sollio Agriculture’s acquisition of Standard Nutrition Canada announced in April 2018.
Standard Nutrition Canada has its administrative office in Winnipeg, Manitoba, and offers animal nutrition products and services. Its market is primarily made up of livestock producers in Western Canada. Its operations include:
• A feed mill, a grain centre and a retail store in Winnipeg, Manitoba
• A retail store and warehouse in Brandon, Manitoba
• A premix plant, warehouse and retail store in Lethbridge, Alberta
• Retail stores, offices and warehouses in Red Deer, Alberta, and Swift Current, Saskatchewan
Present in over 295 towns and cities in Canada, Sollio Agriculture ensures a proximity with farmers. A leader in the Canadian economy, the organization is active in 29 countries. •
Biosecurity Reminder
Manitoba Pork has developed a biosecurity infographic in consultation with Manitoba swine vets. This important visual serves as a reminder of critical on-farm biosecurity protocols.
Contact Manitoba Pork to order copies or find a printable version on their website. •
Olymel Giving Back

Held recently on September 18 Olymel (OlySky) Humboldt partnered with the Humboldt & District Food Bank holding their 4th annual “Giving Back Together” fundraising BBQ with proceeds going directly to the food bank. The event was held at Olymel’s Head Office from 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.
Lori Rowat, manager of human resourses for Olymel; added “we did 15 farm deliveries today, from local farmers all the way out to Porcupine Plain and fed over 200 people out in the fields during harvest. We raised over $30,000 for the Humboldt and District Food Bank with this fundraiser. We had lots of help from sponsors throughout the community and are very grateful for their generous donations.”
Along with the BBQ’d ribs, a local restaurant provided potatoes and side dishes. Over the past three years over $100, 000 has been raised. •