Blowing snow, slushy and ice covered roads could not keep those away to set up their booths for this year’s Alberta Livestock Expo. The two day show, which took place October 9 & 10, saw an expanded floor plan with 130 booths representing over eight-five companies.
The aisles were filled with vibrant conversations, discussion on many hot topics facing the hog sector and agriculture in general, with some new faces but mostly reacquainting with current contacts and suppliers. A positive story was a chance to see and visit with Rick Barva, who many would remember was badly injured in an accident back in May. I’m very happy to report that he, while still receiving some ongoing treatments is doing amazing. Walking, talking and sharing his story — a miracle for sure that still he’s able to do that.
The BBQ Pork Rib dinner to close the first day was yummy indeed, with enough ribs to feed multiple Colonies.
As in previous years the highlight was the Pork Quality Competition, with the big winner being the charities that receive the monetary donations from the live auction and the 4300 lbs meat donated from carcass entries to local foods banks. This year saw entries from 21 Colonies all current customers of Maple Leaf: Albion Ridge Colony, Armada Farming Co., Big Bend Farming Co., Bluegrass Colony Farming Co., Delco Farming Co., East Cardston Farming Co., East Raymond Farming Co., Elm Spring Farming Co., Ewelme Colony, Fairlane Farming Co., Gold Spring Farming, Green Acres Farming, Hutterville Colony, Keho Lake Colony, Kingsland Colony, Lakeside Colony Farming Co., Plainview Colony, Rockport Colony, Rosedale Colony, Spring Point Colony Barns A & B and Willow Creek Hogs.
The carcass entries were judged on a point system by Jim Bourret of Maple Leaf in various categories; index, weight, back fat, loin eye, loin colour, belly and loin marbling.

Check presentation to Ronald McDonald House Charites, with Xavier Temple and Chris Mateo along with Clair & Cassie from RMHC.
First place Rosedale Colony

As Jim explained the judging was very tight with excellent hogs entered, and was a five way tie for first place. The tie was broken by examining the loin, all entries were judged blind, tattoos not revealed.
The top three recipients in the Xavier Temple Award for Excellence in Pork Quality at the 2019 ALE were: Third place Willow Creek Colony, Second Place Big Bend Colony and first place Rosedale Colony.
Following the presentation of the top three, local auctioneer John Arnold took to the mic and started the bidding process. Winning bids for all three carcasses totaling $20,500 were secured by Chris Mateo from Sollio. Additional monies raised from other donations, making the grand total $22,450. All the monies are being donated to Ronald McDonald House Charites of Southern & Central Alberta. Both Claire Hoffman and Cassi Hider representing Ronald McDonald House Charites were blown away by the generosity of the bids and were most gracious for the donations.
The organizing committee was pleased to share in the growth and success during first couple years and encourage you to mark down dates for the fourth annual Alberta Livestock Expo October 7 & 8, 2020.
— By Laurie Brandly