The case study quoted in this article was presented at the 2016 Annual Pig Congress in Herning, Denmark.

Antibiotic resistance in humans is getting to be more and more a major concern and it’s very worrying that many infections are not responding to antibiotics.

There is a shortage of new antibiotics – Penicillin was first used in WW II and is still relied on far too much because there are no alternatives available. Many people are also concerned that far too many antibiotics are used in pig production. Consequently many nations are cutting back on antibiotic consumption and Denmark probably leads the world in terms of reducing the amount of antibiotics it uses in the pig industry.

Rules about antibiotic withdrawal periods have to be strictly observed hence conventionally reared pigs of course do not contain any antibiotics at slaughter. There is an argument put forward that selling / marketing “Antibiotic Free Pork” infers that conventionally reared pigs contain antibiotics, which is patently not the case.

Having said that, Danish Crown surveys have found that there is a demand for Antibiotic Free Pork (ABF). Arguably, this means that the Danish pig industry has failed to get across its message that conventionally reared pork is antibiotic free. It might be argued that Danish Crown should have ignored this demand for ABF pork. Having said that in a free market economy if there is consumer demand for what is a very expensive product and farmers are prepared to produce it then so be it.

Consequently in 2015, a trial was set up on two farms on the Danish island of Bornholm and in 2016, the concept was refined and extended to farms in Jutland. One of the Bornholm farmers, Stine Mikkelsen who is also a nurse and this issue has great significance to her as she looks after patients who are sadly proving immune to antibiotics. Mikkelsen and Nicolai Weber have a 500 sow unit, which is SPF but not totally clean. They work a 14 day batch system (previously sows were weaned weekly), sell pigs at 30kg, are 100 per cent AI and mix their own feed. Crucially no blood products are allowed in the feed.


Pigs have to be kept antibiotic free from birth-slaughter, although Coccidiosis treatment is allowed. Sows may be treated during lactation and zinc oxide is permitted in the weaner feed. Piglets are tagged, for ID purposes. If antibiotics have to be used on the pig then the tag is removed and the pig loses its ABF status. Annual Danish control is with the OUA (pigs reared without antibiotics) plus Danish Crown gives advice as and when necessary.


Gestating sows are kept in six fixed groups, fed via ESFs. The farrowing section has three rooms of 42 pens plus a 14 pen buffer unit, whilst weaners are kept in small groups. Weaner pens are typically Danish, with part slatted floors and kennelled covers at the rear of the pens.


Respiratory problems occur at day one and various treatments have been used. In addition copious amounts of straw are used in the farrowing pens and pens are disinfected with lime. After weaning the feed gets changed from “muesli” to wet feed. This leads to outbreaks of diarrhea which is found in small pigs that eat too little and large pigs that eat too much. In addition, Lawsonia – like diarrhea started at 20kg. The treatment was as follows: larger pigs were restricted re feed, small pigs got pampered, pigs received a Lawsonia vaccination plus an analgesic was given in the water. In addition trials were carried out with activated charcoal, probiotics and acids. Significantly zinc oxide is allowed to be added to weaner diets. (Although the EU vet authorities (CVMP) would like to have zinc oxide banned, but no firm decision has been announced as yet). Husbandry had to change from group care to individual care. With antibiotic free production there are more demands on the staff as the antibiotics crutch is not available.


With antibiotic free production more vaccinations are needed: Young females – Mycoplasma, PCV 2; Gilts – Glassers, Mycoplasma, Influenza; Sows – Influenza; Piglets – Lawsonia


Vulnerable pigs had to be given antibiotics and had their antibiotic free status revoked and the pig’s ID tag was removed. Mycoplasma vaccinations were given in the farrowing unit, plus keeping the farrowing barns as dry and as warm as possible improved weaning weights.


From 2014- June 2016, feed conversion actually improved plus feed intake dropped.


Hygiene has been made a very big priority and employees are constantly reminded about this. Hence separate boots and brushes etc are provided for each section. Injections are kept to a minimum (as this is a potential route for infection), with the youngest pigs being treated first and sick litters last.


Piglets: down by 58 per cent; Finishers by 84 per cent.


Medicine costs were higher in the first year, neutral in 2016

Ear tags 24p / pig – 3480GBP

Equipment 380GBP

Increased working hours – 7hrs / week – 8760GBP

Plus loss in productivity of 2-2.5pigs/ sow/year


Each tagged pig sold and untreated with drugs was worth an extra11.20GBP, with the percentage of tagged pigs showing a pleasing increase over time. In April 2016, 45 per cent of pigs were not given any drugs, but by the end of September 2016, untreated pigs had risen to 60 per cent.

KEY BULLET POINTS – to successfully produce ABF pigs:

Overall, pigs must have reasonable health status plus strict sectioning of the farm is necessary. Speedy identification of problems is essential along with speedy action when the problem has been identified, plus it’s essential to have heavy vigorous pigs at weaning.

Finally, having dedicated, committed owners and staff is vital, helped by the right advisers, together with help and support from Danish Crown.

As of Oct 2016 Danish Crown has 23 farms producing 3000-4000 Antibiotic Free Finishers / week. Significantly, 60-80 per cent of the production has not been treated with antibiotics. In addition, Danish Crown has 100 farms on a waiting list, eager to start producing Antibiotic Free Pigs. The Danish slaughter company Tikan processes pigs in north Jutland and that company is also looking at sourcing Antibiotic Free Pigs from some of their producers early in 2017, but this has yet to be confirmed.


Bilka is the only grocery hypermarket operating in Denmark. In their stores organic pork is selling at 8GBP / kg whereas Antibiotic Free Pork costs 12GBP / kg. This is not cheap – so consumers still spend the same amount on pork but buy less of it and have fewer pork based main meals. There is interest in Antibiotic Free Pork in the USA and Canada. However, talking recently to a UK supermarket agricultural specialist, he didn’t think it would catch on in the UK.


The fact that consumers will pay considerably more for Antibiotic Free Pork sends a message out that the pig industry has been found wanting with regard to banging home the message to consumers that traditionally produced pork does not contain antibiotic residues. The message that strict records are kept and withdrawal periods are strictly adhered to has simply not got through to the consumer.

Going forward the pig industry must re-double its efforts to remind and educate consumers that traditional pork is antibiotic free, which of course it is. The concept of Antibiotic Free Pig production might be frowned upon in certain quarters; however these producers are showing that large numbers of pigs on a farm can be reared and go to slaughter without antibiotic treatment. Furthermore the techniques and husbandry involved are a template that can be passed on to other producers, the net result being an overall reduction in the amount of antibiotics given to pigs, which has to be a great thing in the long term. • — By Norman Crabtree